Not allowed to grow up

Does anyone else feel that our society doesn't want us to grow up, and take responsibilities?

Most of it is due to a lack of a positive Male Role Model in Kids' lives. Young boys aren't mentored. I know, from having my father killed in the troubles, that I tried too hard to impress adults; only to lack the follow-through after graduation.

But, ultimately, we miss the greatest Male Role Model in our society. Jesus. We thought we didn't need faith, and now kids are growing up with no sense of direction.

  • I’m female and I’m not sure if I relate to that or understand your point correctly, but I remember when I was around 10 years old I had a special interest in architecture. I used to draw floor plans endlessly. Mostly floor plans of flats but also schools and other public buildings. I used ti do it like all my favorite activities, hours everyday, days weeks months etc. but when I told my parents I wanted to be an architect, they laughed me off and said it’s too much responsibility and I’m gonna fail. And it was same when I wanted to try in IT, same with logistics. But I finally rebelled and graduated in logistics with good results which amazed my family who always considered me a goof and weirdo. I think it’s good I didn’t go for IT because spending time in front of a screen is really hard for me. Especially my eyes, pain, sometimes like needles in them. Same with strong lights. 
    so I can say I know how it feels when you get a message, that you are not good enough to take a responsibility. I manage my life independently from my parents and still don’t believe in myself. And their stupid question “why?” Irritates me a lot. I wanna answer “well, you programmed me this way, but I know it would lead to a fight so I just sit quiet and feel angry frustrated and totally misunderstood. I visit them only once a year otherwise I just have some contact with my mom on the phone and that’s it. 

  • I’m female and I’m not sure if I relate to that or understand your point correctly, but I remember when I was around 10 years old I had a special interest in architecture. I used to draw floor plans endlessly. Mostly floor plans of flats but also schools and other public buildings. I used ti do it like all my favorite activities, hours everyday, days weeks months etc. but when I told my parents I wanted to be an architect, they laughed me off and said it’s too much responsibility and I’m gonna fail. And it was same when I wanted to try in IT, same with logistics. But I finally rebelled and graduated in logistics with good results which amazed my family who always considered me a goof and weirdo. I think it’s good I didn’t go for IT because spending time in front of a screen is really hard for me. Especially my eyes, pain, sometimes like needles in them. Same with strong lights. 
    so I can say I know how it feels when you get a message, that you are not good enough to take a responsibility. I manage my life independently from my parents and still don’t believe in myself. And their stupid question “why?” Irritates me a lot. I wanna answer “well, you programmed me this way, but I know it would lead to a fight so I just sit quiet and feel angry frustrated and totally misunderstood. I visit them only once a year otherwise I just have some contact with my mom on the phone and that’s it. 

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