Not allowed to grow up

Does anyone else feel that our society doesn't want us to grow up, and take responsibilities?

Most of it is due to a lack of a positive Male Role Model in Kids' lives. Young boys aren't mentored. I know, from having my father killed in the troubles, that I tried too hard to impress adults; only to lack the follow-through after graduation.

But, ultimately, we miss the greatest Male Role Model in our society. Jesus. We thought we didn't need faith, and now kids are growing up with no sense of direction.

  • Not sure if you are talking about autistic people or just people in general. 

    If you are talking about autistic people, I think society treats us like children even though we are just as capable as them. I have always felt that. Sometimes i want to scream in people's face, I am just as much of an adult as you

    If you are talking about people in general, I think modern society forces young people to be children for far too long, it infantalises adults and refuses to let them take their place in the adult world. The decision to force young people to stay in compulsory education till 18 is one of the worst decisions our country has ever made. Instead of having the option to go out into the world at 16 and make some money and do something with your life, you are forced to wear a uniform and put your hand up to go to the toilet when you are an 18 year old adult. You can vote or get married at 18 yet you can't go to the toilet without a teachers permission. After that you will be pressured to go to university for another 4 years. This is all very well for academic people but for non academic types it is stupifying.

    Tbh I think society treats us all as children these days. We are told what is best for us, what to think, what to say, what medicines to put in our system and how to behave. We are then completely cosseted by health and saftey from ever developing any sort of basic common sense and ability to assess risk. I have to undergo 2 hours training at my new job on how to sit in a chair at a computer (Yes really)

    Its a sad state of affairs

  • Not sure if you are talking about autistic people or just people in general. 

    If you are talking about autistic people, I think society treats us like children even though we are just as capable as them. I have always felt that. Sometimes i want to scream in people's face, I am just as much of an adult as you

    If you are talking about people in general, I think modern society forces young people to be children for far too long, it infantalises adults and refuses to let them take their place in the adult world. The decision to force young people to stay in compulsory education till 18 is one of the worst decisions our country has ever made. Instead of having the option to go out into the world at 16 and make some money and do something with your life, you are forced to wear a uniform and put your hand up to go to the toilet when you are an 18 year old adult. You can vote or get married at 18 yet you can't go to the toilet without a teachers permission. After that you will be pressured to go to university for another 4 years. This is all very well for academic people but for non academic types it is stupifying.

    Tbh I think society treats us all as children these days. We are told what is best for us, what to think, what to say, what medicines to put in our system and how to behave. We are then completely cosseted by health and saftey from ever developing any sort of basic common sense and ability to assess risk. I have to undergo 2 hours training at my new job on how to sit in a chair at a computer (Yes really)

    Its a sad state of affairs
