Not allowed to grow up

Does anyone else feel that our society doesn't want us to grow up, and take responsibilities?

Most of it is due to a lack of a positive Male Role Model in Kids' lives. Young boys aren't mentored. I know, from having my father killed in the troubles, that I tried too hard to impress adults; only to lack the follow-through after graduation.

But, ultimately, we miss the greatest Male Role Model in our society. Jesus. We thought we didn't need faith, and now kids are growing up with no sense of direction.

  • i think its opposite.... kids are being forced to grow up too fast.

    they are bombarded by sexual stuff early, i witnessed a kid at the end of primary school get pregnant... they are over sexualised, and also seem targeted with drugs and all want to copy degenerate adults and become alcoholics early on.

    i agree they have terrible role models and thats likely to blame for alot of it.

  • There is that, but overall the trend is to keep young men and women immature, and child-like. Just like in the Far East, Chinese Propaganda champions being childish.

  • yeah there is a level of infantalism in the west.... mostly naivity and our society being too soft.

    we have made a irresponsibile society, in which it tries to make kids grow up in certain degenerate areas too fast... while never allowing anyone to grow up in maturity and hardiness to which they can face life and its challenges, or face hardship... if we get into a war our society has lost it before it begins... a fight is always won or lost in preparation before it, and our people have been brought up soft and naive thinking life is like a disney film and we are the good guys and we will always win and have a happy ever after lol we have already lost any future war, we havent even begun to train our people to be strong enough to face any such event. but yet we allowed them to slip into degeneracy at a early age to normalise it and weaken our future generations. everyone is on drugs now, drugs have become normal when once they was a fringe taboo but its been normalised in our children who then grow into adults who have normalised it and then normalise normalising it on kids...

  • This started in the 1960’s with drugs being handed out like smarties and sweets by GP’s who became the salesmen for big pharma 

  • Sure. Paedo Scum were probably on meds, which made them hypersexual.

  • it does seem to be the case as my parents were what id call strict but probably was just normal and all the other kids parents weren't parenting properly and allowing their kids to run riot while my parents kept me on a short leash and made sure i didnt go out and disrupt anyones lives and be destructive or get snatched by pedos as they always said theres too many pedophiles out on the streets and that was back in the 90s lol its gone worse now and yet parents still let their kids out unsupervised not knowing where they are or when they will be back.

  • it does seem to be the case as my parents were what id call strict but probably was just normal and all the other kids parents weren't parenting properly and allowing their kids to run riot while my parents kept me on a short leash and made sure i didnt go out and disrupt anyones lives and be destructive or get snatched by pedos as they always said theres too many pedophiles out on the streets and that was back in the 90s lol its gone worse now and yet parents still let their kids out unsupervised not knowing where they are or when they will be back.
