Not allowed to grow up

Does anyone else feel that our society doesn't want us to grow up, and take responsibilities?

Most of it is due to a lack of a positive Male Role Model in Kids' lives. Young boys aren't mentored. I know, from having my father killed in the troubles, that I tried too hard to impress adults; only to lack the follow-through after graduation.

But, ultimately, we miss the greatest Male Role Model in our society. Jesus. We thought we didn't need faith, and now kids are growing up with no sense of direction.

  • My family members was pressuring me to find a job and forced me go to an event. Also volunteering at an unfamiliar place. Told them I'll think about it and got nasty towards me. Tried to explain that found a safe group closer to home where people know me. A relative wanted to do something different for my birthday. Wanted to give some money for me so I can do a walking holiday (tried to give a valid reason why stopped doing this); or a workshop. I know they're trying to plan for my future. Getting the impression that you don't do this to people. 2022 postal strikes and getting phone calls from relatives asking did the card arrived? 

    2023 same relative paid my pension contributions. Very rare opportunity to top up. I get very low. The first port of call was go to your GP. Sometimes feel rejected. 

  • My family members was pressuring me to find a job and forced me go to an event. Also volunteering at an unfamiliar place. Told them I'll think about it and got nasty towards me. Tried to explain that found a safe group closer to home where people know me. A relative wanted to do something different for my birthday. Wanted to give some money for me so I can do a walking holiday (tried to give a valid reason why stopped doing this); or a workshop. I know they're trying to plan for my future. Getting the impression that you don't do this to people. 2022 postal strikes and getting phone calls from relatives asking did the card arrived? 

    2023 same relative paid my pension contributions. Very rare opportunity to top up. I get very low. The first port of call was go to your GP. Sometimes feel rejected. 

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