How did your friends react when you told them about your autism?

I have came out to 4 people in my life about my autism so far. I have considered all of them as caring empathetic people. 2 of them were very nice, offering to listen to me since it's a lot of things in mind and lot of feelings. The other two had a reaction that surprised me. One said nothing but "thank you for sharing" and right after that asked me for a favor. It felt like this big reveal of mine ment nothing to them. The other one asked me "is it officially diagnosed?" And didn't respond to my answer only a day after writing a message "do you want to hang out?". I'm sad because of these reactions and I honestly don't know how to interpret them.. it felt like they don't care or understand how huge of a deal this is for me.. did anyone have similar experiences?

  • They already knew.  I was the last to find out lol.  In fact, it was a friend that pointed it out to me.  He said he hadn't told me before because he thought I knew since it was so blaringly obvious.  Welp, not to me!  Kinda makes sense now why all my long-term friends are autistic (see username).  I then went and saw a psychologist that conducted the ADOS-2, and she confirmed it.  I then called each of my friends, and they all basically said something like, "We're both autistic."  OMG, I was soooo oblivious.

  • They already knew.  I was the last to find out lol.  In fact, it was a friend that pointed it out to me.  He said he hadn't told me before because he thought I knew since it was so blaringly obvious.  Welp, not to me!  Kinda makes sense now why all my long-term friends are autistic (see username).  I then went and saw a psychologist that conducted the ADOS-2, and she confirmed it.  I then called each of my friends, and they all basically said something like, "We're both autistic."  OMG, I was soooo oblivious.

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