What's gender?

A discussion in this forum made me ask myself this question, what's gender?. I googled it but what I found there didn't make much sense to me. I always thought that the gender of the other person doesn't tell me much about who they are. It just informs me about the appropriate pronouns that this person wants me to use with them. Frankly I don't care about figuring out my gender. I was born in a woman's body and I never felt like it's the wrong one. I think I'd feel the same if I was born in a man's body. I have never spent time thinking about this part of myself because I never thought that it's important enough to me. I'll be the same person anyway, no? I don't think it would change much about who I am... Can anyone share how they understand gender?

  • I haven't read any of the replies, so I apologize in advance if I offend anyone

    Pronouns are DANGEROUS

    And I am not saying they are bad because it helps transgender people feel included. But what people don't understand, is that TRUE, REAL transgender people represent 0. 1% of the population. Will we reveal our private feelings about ourselves only for less than 5% of the population? 

    Woke people claim they are forwarding diversity, but let me get this straight, your "friend" has asserted that you HAVE to use pronouns? Where in the world does that include how YOUR freedom to reveal YOUR private life? I don't know how you feel about yourself, but there is ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION for you to use pronouns. NONE. And if people say you are being discriminatory then it just proves the point that they are guilt-tripping you to accept THEIR view through HARCEMENT and INSULTS.

    So much for "diversity" right

  • People who don't identify themselves as non-binary, transgender (and so on) would not be best pleased if others mistakenly or deliberately referred to them wrongly or impolitely. The 'norm' is so ingrained in society that they hardly think of correct usage and address as rights - they take it for granted; so why shouldn't other groups enjoy the same rights?

    There's no credibility in railing against perceived 'demands' either - not when the demands of convention imprison us all, and often make sheer existence an unbearable trial...particularly for the people you're criticising.

  • There are ONLY demands from those people. 

    Before I was completely FOR the idea of pronouns, for the reasons that you mentioned. I thought "Well, it's weird, but at least they get to be what they want without feeling like a LIE to THEMSELVES, right?" I am against it because the people that use them are also people who think. After all, they are different, people MUST change too. And not just people,  THAT'S the issue: books, words, history, bathrooms, laws, workplaces. 

    I do agree, certain things need to change to make people feel more included. But... HOW those people are doing it... no. No, I- I can't. Like I wrote in my first comment and I KNEW I would receive a reply, but... I am sorry: I don't agree that everyone MUST do this. 

    And in any case, I know you are gonna reply, but I don't want to create an argument space on Ree's question and make her feel guilty that people are fighting. It's a big political matter. And again, like I said: I am sorry if I offend anyone but.... this is how I feel, and as an individual, I have a right to think what I think, as long as I don't go out and insult people in the street about it.

    My best friend thinks that SHE is a HE, and you know what I told her/he? I said "You should come to the UK because they are so open about this, they use pronouns to divert the individual. You could start over as the person you want". Because, I knew, that's what could be best for him. No matter what my opinions are.

    I am against pronouns. But it's MY right to have an OPINION, that is different from yours without being bullied or guilted about it. That is WHY I am against pronouns. People are being guilted to change. And again, I don't want to enter a debate for @Ree, so how about I don't answer any more coming replies to avoid a shouting match?


  • There are ONLY demands from those people. 

    Before I was completely FOR the idea of pronouns, for the reasons that you mentioned. I thought "Well, it's weird, but at least they get to be what they want without feeling like a LIE to THEMSELVES, right?" I am against it because the people that use them are also people who think. After all, they are different, people MUST change too. And not just people,  THAT'S the issue: books, words, history, bathrooms, laws, workplaces. 

    I do agree, certain things need to change to make people feel more included. But... HOW those people are doing it... no. No, I- I can't. Like I wrote in my first comment and I KNEW I would receive a reply, but... I am sorry: I don't agree that everyone MUST do this. 

    And in any case, I know you are gonna reply, but I don't want to create an argument space on Ree's question and make her feel guilty that people are fighting. It's a big political matter. And again, like I said: I am sorry if I offend anyone but.... this is how I feel, and as an individual, I have a right to think what I think, as long as I don't go out and insult people in the street about it.

    My best friend thinks that SHE is a HE, and you know what I told her/he? I said "You should come to the UK because they are so open about this, they use pronouns to divert the individual. You could start over as the person you want". Because, I knew, that's what could be best for him. No matter what my opinions are.

    I am against pronouns. But it's MY right to have an OPINION, that is different from yours without being bullied or guilted about it. That is WHY I am against pronouns. People are being guilted to change. And again, I don't want to enter a debate for @Ree, so how about I don't answer any more coming replies to avoid a shouting match?


  • Is this satire? The capitals and bingo card of "it's my right to have an opinion" etc feels like a parody of a grumpy old "PC gone mad" type character, but I'm not sure? Am I having a woosh moment?

  • Personally, I believe that not using words that hurt people is a simple matter of kindness. 

    You're still free to say things that hurt people if you like, but they also have a right to respond and tell you that they don't like it.  

    I know there may be a shouty minority of trans people, but in most cases in my experience it's something that people ask for politely.  As I myself have done when asked.

    Whether or not you want to reply to this is up to you, but please respect my choice to provide a counterpoint.

  • it's MY right to have an OPINION,
