Rule 4 - Be Nice

So another thread relating to trans rights has been locked under Rule 4 ‘Be Nice’ , but shouldn’t hatred directed at trans people be actually deleted? The thread was going really well with lots of trans, gender fluid and queer people supporting each other, but as usual the cis hets dive in to invalidate us. The mod response is not to target the prejudice but to lock the entire thread! This is wrong. Can we trans and queer and pride people on the spectrum not have a safe space here? I know the mods have a policy of non-deletion but this is wrong, were racist comments being made I’m sure they’d pounce on that pdq, but hate against trans people is unchallenged and left to stand. Apalling of you NAS!

  • Are Time Lords welcome here?  

    Seriously though in this day and age we should just accept each other for who we are. Life is too short and all the complaining won't change people's choices... So best to go with the flow. We all belong, we're all united. Love to all my brothers and sisters.

  • but that would mean accepting peoples intolerance, grumpiness or negativity as that is who they are too right? lol it would mean accepting everything not just the things you want accepted. it would mean accepting things counter to the things you want to have accepted... which means theres no problem anywhere at all if you accept it, but i accept you dont have to accept it because i accept everything and if you dont accept people not accepting things then i accept you lack of acceptance as that is your free will to not accept things lol

  • but that would mean accepting peoples intolerance, grumpiness or negativity as that is who they are too right? lol it would mean accepting everything not just the things you want accepted. it would mean accepting things counter to the things you want to have accepted... which means theres no problem anywhere at all if you accept it, but i accept you dont have to accept it because i accept everything and if you dont accept people not accepting things then i accept you lack of acceptance as that is your free will to not accept things lol

  • couldnt they have accepted the persons judgement then disagreed with it rather than killing themselves? 
    or plain ignored it, water off a ducks back as they used to say?

    i accepted peoples judgement that i was weak and a weirdo, i still use alot of judgement to this day and consider myself the weakest most pathetic of my age group... i then use this judgement to throw back in peoples faces when i outperform everyone and state that i am the marker of the very bottom and no one should be beneath me... you see i end up accepting and using the worlds judgements against itself. so judgements never bothered me but provided some fun payback.

    the bigger thing that bothered me was exclusionism and feeling theres no place for you in this world. that is more likely what they feel when they commit suicide if we are to analyse it and try and find constructive ways to remedy and fix that. but ofcourse no one ever likes or thinks im sincere on that, people these days fail to realise that resilience is a path forward and in resilience you have to be firey have attitude and not care whos feet you stand on, you have to be tough and a fighter, that is one path around it. the world is hard, you have to be harder, the hardest thing cuts through the one that isnt as hard, be harder than the world around you and you wont be cut, the world will be cut by you.

  • but that would mean accepting peoples intolerance, grumpiness or negativity as that is who they are too right?

    Yes it would and I do accept those things. There's no point not accepting them because they will always be there. It's a part of life. As I said, I go with the flow. The world is changing, acceptance of people's genders and sexuality is growing all the time and it will continue to do so. And so it should in my opinion. Many, many people commit suicide each year because they're shamed for being themselves. That is wrong. And it must change. It will change. In my work I've seen young people as young as 12 in the hospital mortuary who decided that death was the only way out, just because people judged them. Very wrong indeed and if everyone could witness that person empty and lifeless I think perhaps they wouldn't judge quite as much as they do. Words hurt, they burn deep.

    However I respect your opinion and I will not clash with you or anyone else. These are my thoughts on the matter.
