Over sensitive spam filter causing posts to be reported/removed

I've noticed on the forum people are becoming concerned about posts being reported, removed, moderated etc.

I've personally experienced a couple of weeks of this and then the whole weekend being unable to post and then a pop up saying that ALL my posts were being moderated.

After the weekend I was told by the mods that this is a technical issue with an 'oversensitive spam filter'.

If you receive these notices, I suggest you reply, as, as far as I know, our posts aren't automatically reinstated without our appeal.

Obviously some posts could be reported for 'abuse' but if you have posted something uncontroversial and it has been removed, it's likely to be this technical error.

  • I'm sorry that you've been affected so much by this. It makes no sense to me that anything you've posted could have been mistaken for spam Confused

    It seems that posters such as yourself, who have been posting regularly for months or longer, have been increasingly affected by this touchy spam filter. Something must have changed, as it has only started happening a lot more fairly recently. Thankfully it hasn't happened to me... yet, but I'm sure it is only a matter of time.

    Most spam seems to originate from new accounts so why are regular posters being affected by these filters? If existing regular posters continue to be negatively impacted by this they may be driven away from the forum, which would be such a shame.

  • Lol.

    I just typed a long reply to this and it's gone into the spam filter.

    How ironic is that.


  • Meanwhile the spam bots are merrily posting away completely unhindered. I noticed quite a few new ones  last night.

    Maybe the spam filter has gone rogue and is working for the spam bots Robot

  • Yeah, that's definitely not your fault. Lately I've been taking to selecting all my text and copying it into the clipboard to save it before I hit post just in case the spam filter instantly goes "nope lol Upside down".

  • The email I got says:

    "Your forum reply, RE: Over sensitive spam filter causing posts to be reported/removed, in Autistic adults was flagged by other users as inappropriate and doesn't appear on the site right now.

    Reason: The forum reply was determined to be SPAM (by 'Text Repetition')."

    However it happened instantly the moment I hit reply. No way could it have been flagged by other users that quickly Confused

  • The email I got says:

    "Your forum reply, RE: Over sensitive spam filter causing posts to be reported/removed, in Autistic adults was flagged by other users as inappropriate and doesn't appear on the site right now.

    Reason: The forum reply was determined to be SPAM (by 'Text Repetition')."

    However it happened instantly the moment I hit reply. No way could it have been flagged by other users that quickly Confused
