Introvert or Extrovert?

Or do those terms not really apply to us as part of the autism diagnosis includes difficulties with communication?

A response on this forum prompted me to think: are you an extrovert then?

Most people here appear to be introverts - however, does this just go back to autism?

Years ago I did the Myers-Briggs test and I came out as an INFJ (Advocate).

I seem to remember this was the rarest profile and my autistic friend was the same.

A link below for anyone interested:

So, if there was a choice between actually meeting a real person in real life or just an image of their face on a computer screen, the screen would win hands down for me!

How do you perceive yourself and do you think the term is relevant as we are autistic?

  • I would say it's kind of irrelevant for me, at least, as because of anxiety and mental health it all depends on how I am on that day. Some days I feel like I could go out and meet someone but others I need to stay in and avoid people at all costs.

    So for me, it feels like one day I could be up to it and others I can't. So I think it's irrelevant. I'm not one specifically, it alters depending on anxiety, moods and mentality.

  • I would say it's kind of irrelevant for me, at least, as because of anxiety and mental health it all depends on how I am on that day. Some days I feel like I could go out and meet someone but others I need to stay in and avoid people at all costs.

    So for me, it feels like one day I could be up to it and others I can't. So I think it's irrelevant. I'm not one specifically, it alters depending on anxiety, moods and mentality.

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