What is that feeling?

I've always thought that I suffered from panic attacks. Usually in a stressful situation that I can't leave, like a form of claustrophobia.

But recently, when confronting my issues with this response I've started using earplugs in very busy places, and putting them in or taking them out feels almost like a switch to turn the panic on & off.

So, is this a meltdown I am describing, or in fact a panic attack? Do they seem the same to you? Can you differentiate between the two?

  • When I get like this in a supermarket it’s because of sensory overload, I end up feeling like I’m trapped and I need to get out of the aisle because of too much noise and  too many people in a small space, I can’t think or continue what I was going to get from the shelf. I have to quickly walk away and come back when they disappear. This is different to panic attacks I’ve had in the past, I’ve only had a few. But when I did I thought I was going to die, I couldn’t catch my breath and my heart rate was so high, very scary feeling. 

  • That is really horrible, I had something like that when it was pandemic time I just started crying in supermarkets a couple of times, felt like I couldn't breathe until I got out of the building. Luckily it doesn't normally affect me that badly it's mainly only when I am already anxious. (Also, I wear noise-cancelling headphones everywhere these days. )

  • Yeah panic attacks are awful. I had one at the start of the pandemic too, I’d convinced myself we’d all have to go to make shift medical tents and there would be no one to look after my pets. I was in such a state for days I ended up having a panic attack one night. Funnily enough after I calmed down I loved the lockdowns, apart from obviously not wanting anyone to die I’d quite happily be in lockdown again.

     I really do need to start wearing my loop ear plugs  when I go shopping. I sometimes take them with me with the intention of wearing them if it gets too much but I always forget. 

  • Yeah panic attacks are awful. I had one at the start of the pandemic too, I’d convinced myself we’d all have to go to make shift medical tents and there would be no one to look after my pets. I was in such a state for days I ended up having a panic attack one night. Funnily enough after I calmed down I loved the lockdowns, apart from obviously not wanting anyone to die I’d quite happily be in lockdown again.

     I really do need to start wearing my loop ear plugs  when I go shopping. I sometimes take them with me with the intention of wearing them if it gets too much but I always forget. 

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