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Here is my pottery.

Some of these jars were apparently dug out of the Thames.

The 3 little pots are for eating snails Scream

  • I has Frozen collection!

    My books:


    Lists (cause I like writing lists. they desperately need updating tho):




    And theres more but this is long enough Grin

  • Just updating because Christmas happened 

    My grandparents gave me the Frozen Funko Pops. I wanted all of the Frozen 2 ones but to buy all at the cheapest is a little over $100. The book my sisters friend gave me because she was clearing out her book shelf and knows I really love Frozen so she gave me it. She wrapped it and put a reindeer sticker and wrote that note.

    There was this dead fox on a fence that I saw and it was super cute and I wish it didnt die but then I saw about 20 packages covered with dirt and soaking wet that were imported from Italy and have these Frozen postcards or something inside, so my mom let me take them since it was in the middle of nowhere. Im pretty sure its illegal merch but hey 

    So I found out about Disney Lorcana cards and there are Frozen ones so obviously I HAVE to collect them now. I found this mystery one with that AMAZING Elsa as a sorcerous on the front. I bought a trading card binder to keep them all and I sorted them by number so thats why there are so many blank spots. I have 3 Frozen cards so far but one is a double so basically I have 2.

    And these are my doubles

    The rarest card I have is Maui. Its rarity is enchanted (highest rarity) and its a foil card. I have 3 other foil cards besides Maui. 

    I have spent just under $200 in only 4 months (although I have $25 more that needs to be transacted so I guess a little over $200) and I entirely blame Frozen. Well its my own fault for buying what Disney is putting out and even though I shouldnt, I will buy more so long as they make more. Most people want to be billionaires to buy rolex watches and luise viton and porshe cars or something but id want to be a billionaire to buy every single Frozen thing in exsistance 

    Anyway I wont post more of my collections after this since this thread is getting kinda old

  • Just updating because Christmas happened 

    My grandparents gave me the Frozen Funko Pops. I wanted all of the Frozen 2 ones but to buy all at the cheapest is a little over $100. The book my sisters friend gave me because she was clearing out her book shelf and knows I really love Frozen so she gave me it. She wrapped it and put a reindeer sticker and wrote that note.

    There was this dead fox on a fence that I saw and it was super cute and I wish it didnt die but then I saw about 20 packages covered with dirt and soaking wet that were imported from Italy and have these Frozen postcards or something inside, so my mom let me take them since it was in the middle of nowhere. Im pretty sure its illegal merch but hey 

    So I found out about Disney Lorcana cards and there are Frozen ones so obviously I HAVE to collect them now. I found this mystery one with that AMAZING Elsa as a sorcerous on the front. I bought a trading card binder to keep them all and I sorted them by number so thats why there are so many blank spots. I have 3 Frozen cards so far but one is a double so basically I have 2.

    And these are my doubles

    The rarest card I have is Maui. Its rarity is enchanted (highest rarity) and its a foil card. I have 3 other foil cards besides Maui. 

    I have spent just under $200 in only 4 months (although I have $25 more that needs to be transacted so I guess a little over $200) and I entirely blame Frozen. Well its my own fault for buying what Disney is putting out and even though I shouldnt, I will buy more so long as they make more. Most people want to be billionaires to buy rolex watches and luise viton and porshe cars or something but id want to be a billionaire to buy every single Frozen thing in exsistance 

    Anyway I wont post more of my collections after this since this thread is getting kinda old

  • Nice to have another Frozen fan Slight smile

    Ive been wanting to collect more Funkos and Lorcana cards but im out of money. I have $12 but I preordered a book awhile back thats about $25 so I kinda need to get money so I can actually pay for it once it ships haha. 

    Your collection is wonderful. I'm impressed and extremely jealous!


  • Former Memberlovely to see a Frozen fan on here. I'm a big Frozen fan myself, though my collection of Frozen related items is nowhere near as big as yours! 

    I love all your items especially the Funko figures and the Lorcana cards, I collect those too. I love collecting cards, I have both Disney Lorcana and Pokémon cards. I dread to think of how much I've spent on them lol.

    Your collection is wonderful. I'm impressed and extremely jealous! Wink

  • That is a truly wonderful collection! I particularly like Professor Galago and the derivation of its name.

  • I admire your undoubted dedication, love and devotion to a "thing."
    Your collection is amazing

    Thank youu Heart

    please keep sharing

    Welll if you insist Slight smile

    I drew these last night (plus 4 other drawings) because im sick and didnt feel like sleeping. 2 of them are Frozen so that makes it part of my collection. Then the macaw is just random lol. My mom likes jungle stuff and my sister found that wood cutting board and told me to decorate it with Posca markers (we just got Poscas on Christmas for the first time so we keep playing with them) I didnt feel like asking for permission so I thought if I drew something my mom would like then she wouldnt get mad. It worked and now she wants to hang it up in our piano room. The Elsa drawing I looked at my poster, its kind of bad but to be fair I only had a few colors to work with and they are markers sooo.. at least I was able to figure out how to blend a little. The torso is slightly too wide and the belt shouldnt come till a little lower. The white under shirt shouldnt be that high either. For the Water Nokk I just drew on a paper that I used for other stuff so ignore the random boots, jacket, orange heart, and battle plans lol. The Nokks legs look kinda buff which is weird but I guess thats what you get when you dont sketch before hand.

    I forgot about my Elsa shirt because my toy Sparky wears it under a green jacket so I forgot. I got that shirt in 2019 when I saw Frozen 2. My mom bought it when I wasnt there so I couldnt choose it, it was okay but I only wore it once at the theater because the fit was too tight for comfort and I like Anna better than Elsa. And then those are my Frozen earbuds. They are noise cancelling which is nice but the box said they were supposed to be hybrid to be wire or wireless but I can only get them to be wired. Ill have to buy one of those connector things so that I can use it with my iphone (apple should really go back to the normal headphone jack)

    Showing the Lorcana cards yesterday reminded me of one of my first collections - Pokemon cards. I got a sword Pokemon card from McDonalds back in 2nd-ish grade (I know it was between kindergarten to 3rd grade) but my mom wouldnt let me buy more so I would just take all the regect cards from all the boys at school. I remember Levi gave me a couple (he was a twin and albino so thats probably very rare. I only knew him one year though) and Jayce gave me quite a few. I dont have very many compared to them but heres that

    I should probably have rotated the picture on my phone before I sent it to my computer. Oh well.

    Now these arent exactly collections since im not constantly trying to get more but a collection by definition is "a group of things or people" and I have a group of these things so I guess they are collections now.

    I have binders. I get most from school but then when the year is over then I keep them for other things. I have 18. My spanish binder is to the right of the Acc Geometry & English 10 binder but its black and skinny so its hard to see. The grey binder in front is my government binder and it wouldnt fit on the shelf lol, but the stickers are from when we get 90% or higher on a test then my teacher gives us a sticker. She actually skipped me once so I should have one more.

    Books. Now I can either tell you the story of how I got every single one of those or I just wont say anything about any of them (im choosing option 2 for your sakes). 

    Now I have fidgets

    I sort my fidgets in travel, dads house, moms house, and extra/storage, thus the 4 pictures. The second pic I have a Earth stress ball and I put it with the dinosaur pop it because I swear Antartica looks like a triceratops 

    And then these arent real fidgets but I have playdoh and this fake plant ball thing I got from At Home because I like petting it. I named it Professor Galago because I called it my bush baby because its a baby bush but then I thought of the animal Bush Baby and I looked up its scientific name which is Galago senegalensis so I took the Galago part and added Professor to it because it sounds nice

    Last thing ill show are my stuffed animals. 12 of them are at my dads house so I dont have a picture of them. They are at college Slight smile

    This is Oaken Figel. Got Oaken from the trading post and sauna guy in Frozen

    The dalmation is Sparky Thatcher -wait should I do their middle names to? Sparky Rosham Thatcher. The doll in the back is William Isaac Palmer. Penguin is Elijah Kelly Krimp but everyone just calls him Krimp. The one with the hat is Tasha Timola Nan McMillen, she has 7(?) adopted kids and 4 of them are my toys so youll see a few McMillens. Giraffe is Islan Cian Nordvig. Walrus is Port Snort

    Box 1 (top left):  goat - Greg Emil Benko. falcon - Perrie Ludwig Martin, hes running for mayor. sloth - Kristy Annie Dell (not at all based off Kristen Ann Bell /sarc)

    Box 2 (top middle): monkey - Mookie Beansz Chip but goes by MC because Mookie gets made fun of for that name. snake - Travissss White. bunny - Prince Ali Akim Ibrahim of Egypt. pumpkin - Dudley Gradey Jacks.

    Box 3: bear - Theodore (Theo) Kenneth Graham Fisher (got him the day I was born). dog - David Douglas Migoni. doll - Elizabeth (Ellie) Ruth Anderson or alter is Blix Niall Tan. pickle - Junior Baso Jenkins. orange dog - Mac Angeles. penguin - Kurt Otto Muller (I did Otto for the middle name because I find it hilarious that Otto Muller kind of sounds like automobile). blue blob thing - Marlo Fey Jenkins. turtle - Toby Armin White. tiger - Zach Hebert Epstein. octopus - Skylor Shea Jones. croc - Pierre Wallie Jenkins.

    Box 4 (2nd row left): blonde dog - Rowan. lab dog - Shadow. bear - Peter Lachlan Durn. bunny - Dani Robert Hillside. chipmunk - Chris Amon Pike. dog - Charles Emile Gund.

    Box 5: cheetah - Felix Raul Sanchez. raccoon - Reginald (Reggie) Rusty McMillen. kiwi - Austin Rory Landis, his mum calls him Auggie but he hates it. dog - Nikkos Phaedra. red panda - Lin Wei Chaiko. bunny - Ashton (Ash) Buster Brown. 

    Box 6: dog - Keene Howland. leopard - Leonardo (Leon) Holden McMillen. kangaroo - Ross Gavin Pouches. penguin - Jenaro Caspian Wade. cow - Ferdinand (Ferdy) Deryl McMillen. tiger - Tyler Grant McMillen.

    Box 7 (bottom middle): boar - Selama Eshe Abara. reindeer - John Klaus Savarese, I got him from when I saw Frozen Broadway so I named his last name after the actor who did him, and I got John to be short of Jonathan because of Jonathan Groff but also because of when Kristoff asks Anna who Hans best friend is then Anna says "probably John" which is funny since in history there is SO MANY Johns like in Pocahontas alone there is John Smith, John Ratcliff, John Rolfe. 

  • Anyway I wont post more of my collections after this since this thread is getting kinda old

    It doesn't matter how old the thread is - it's the only one of its kind!

    Your collection is amazing - please keep sharing and also, thank you for giving background information.

    Most people want to be billionaires to buy rolex watches and luise viton and porshe cars or something but id want to be a billionaire to buy every single Frozen thing in exsistance 

    I love that.

    That's passion Sparkling heart

  • I admire your undoubted dedication, love and devotion to a "thing."