How to start an Asperger’s group. Any advice?

Depending on how things go I’m either going to move soon or not. If not … well I already know there is nothing for high functioning autistic adults where I live. If I do move I’ll be in a new place and there is a good chance there will still be no social groups for high functioning autistic adults there either. Plus there will be no support network of family etc if I move.

so they say be the change you want to see. Can anyone advise me on the logistics of setting up a support / social group of high functioning autistic adults?

i imagine the big issues will be resources. Especially getting a venue and putting out PR. Has anyone done anything like this and could lend some pointers?

  • … I appreciate you’re probably trying to add a bit of light hearted humour but that’s not very helpful on a practical level.

  • I slightly disagree.

    It was a combo throwaway humorous quip and also a deep insight into the problem that you face when organising Autists. We aren't as simple as "provide a thing and they will come". That is a very practical consideration indeed.

    And you might find that "meetup" who certainly run a very enthusiastic group in my area, have it already covered in your area. Ours has zoom and face to face meetups and all sorts.

    But every week here I run a selected film for those who I imagine might enjoy such a brief diversion from partial or even total social isolation, if you get my drift.

    I thought I'd be swamped, but it has not been the case... 

  • I am trying an new experimental 19:30 (7:30PM) slot tomorrow (Sunday) evening.

    For any Trekkies who have missed seeing "Galaxy Quest"  before, this should be an enjoyable one..

  • All fair comments, well made.  I'll crawl back under my rock and mumble to myself some more.

    Good luck with the showing tomorrow (or is it tonight?)

  • I'm not a natural advertising guy. I try to keep bumping it up twice on a Saturday and Sunday.

    It might be dubious "kitch" film choices, but 1. I'm trying to "keep it light" so as to engage with as wide a rage of people as possible and 2. I judge a films suitability by it's audience reaction when I've watched it with an audience.

    These aren't just niche films, they are the best niche films I've come across in 40 years, so have some respect please, there's a plan.. If I just run what everyone has seen already, 

    As for the "advertising", just as with many of my activities here, there is an element of threading the needle required between making the service available and spamming... If anyone has any ideas how I can do it better, I'm all ears.  

    It's a bit of a PITA for me to deliver an ontime reliable service, and when like last week I let my O/H go to the pub quiz alone so I could do that, and no one showed up except my mate who helps me with the service delivery aspect, Well, we enjoyed ourselves, but I question whether I am doing the right thing wrong, or doing the wrong thing right..

  • I'm not a natural advertising guy. I try to keep bumping it up twice on a Saturday and Sunday.

    It might be dubious "kitch" film choices, but 1. I'm trying to "keep it light" so as to engage with as wide a rage of people as possible and 2. I judge a films suitability by it's audience reaction when I've watched it with an audience.

    These aren't just niche films, they are the best niche films I've come across in 40 years, so have some respect please, there's a plan.. If I just run what everyone has seen already, 

    As for the "advertising", just as with many of my activities here, there is an element of threading the needle required between making the service available and spamming... If anyone has any ideas how I can do it better, I'm all ears.  

    It's a bit of a PITA for me to deliver an ontime reliable service, and when like last week I let my O/H go to the pub quiz alone so I could do that, and no one showed up except my mate who helps me with the service delivery aspect, Well, we enjoyed ourselves, but I question whether I am doing the right thing wrong, or doing the wrong thing right..
