Encountered with a dog

One of the town residents really understand that I get nervous about dogs. The owner got a really well trained dog.

The butchers helper tried to make me friends with the dog. Every week the dog gets scrapes of meat. The owner wife said to him don't let rosy do anything if uncomfortable. 

Some owners don't understand about people getting nervous about dogs and make up excuses. Also unpredictable.

When first moved to the town a neighbour (now deceased); had a rescue dog and said don't touch her etc..  charity shops allow dogs and have doggy treats. Unfair as I just froze last time. 

  • I get nervous around them too. Not as badly as I used to but I’ll always be more of a cat person. I think it goes back to childhood. We never had that sort of pet growing up, and yet a 1980s childhood routinely featured running into feral dogs (neglected by owners) just freely roaming the streets. It was not uncommon to turn a corner only to walk straight into an aggressive pit bull or something and they’d sense your fear and start mauling or chasing straight away.  Occasionally, the distant shout of an owner going ‘don’t mind him, he’s just playing’ could be heard as they sauntered back indoors, letting the savaging continue. 

    there may be the tiniest bit of exaggeration in the above, but not much! 

  • Had a dog jumped on me when I was  three years old. Also happened several times and even chased me. Got worst during lockdown. One nearly eaten my Danish pastry. Thought the Newfoundland going to eat the dog.

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