Loud Noises

Does anybody have any experience with noise and anger?

Loud noises can sometimes send me into an absolute rage. Its not all noises, I like music and even like it loud sometimes. But other noises such as ice-cream van chimes or church bells affect me very badly. I don’t know if its an ASD thing or a normal reaction to sounds I don’t like.

I used to just try and ignore it and carry on, but I think I am getting less tolerant as I am getting older. I used to just try and push through it and carry on, but now even the tannoy in a supermarket makes me have to leave my shopping and go home.

  • One I really hate is hand driers. So, so loud. I don't even like using them myself, but it's twice as annoying when the unpredicatble start and duration of someone else using one kicks off. These last few months, I have a new way of drying my hands over the sink that takes no more time and is blissfully soundless. I just squeeze each hand in turn from the wrist down to my finger-tips, then a shake or two. Done. 

    Obvs I use a towel at home, I'm not completely off my rocker. 

  • One I really hate is hand driers. So, so loud. I don't even like using them myself, but it's twice as annoying when the unpredicatble start and duration of someone else using one kicks off. These last few months, I have a new way of drying my hands over the sink that takes no more time and is blissfully soundless. I just squeeze each hand in turn from the wrist down to my finger-tips, then a shake or two. Done. 

    Obvs I use a towel at home, I'm not completely off my rocker. 

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