

It’s another one of those questions that keeps my mind ticking. During my time working in schools and as a youth worker, (and just in every day situations) I’ve been noticing patterns of people that are addicted to drinking any form of coca-cola. I’ve noticed that a lot of autistic/adhd people have said that they are addicted to fizzy drinks, being coca-cola in particular. I know I’m a huge coca-cola fan (and I know it’s a really bad habit and all the negatives that comes with it) but I cannot stop drinking it, it’s an addiction. 

My first question is, does anyone else know of someone else, or have themselves, a coca-cola addiction, and if this is something that people on the spectrum tend to get easily addicted to?

Secondly, I always wonder why coca-cola/any fizzy drink addiction, isn’t treated like an addiction or taken seriously? People say stop drinking it but I find it really difficult to stop. What’s people’s thoughts and do you think it should be taken seriously by health professionals and others? 

side note, I’m wondering if it’s like and OCD obsessive disorder or something, the more I think about it. But I just wanted to know what others thought. 

  • find what you love and let it kill you".

    I love the fact that he signed it off with the final line- "yours falsely"

  • Everyone has a poison. Au, NT, ADHD or otherwise. Some people pride themselves on not ingesting harmful products, but they're addicted to judgement. It's just a human condition. In the same vein, "find what you love and let it kill you".

  • Can we talk please 

  • Yes , I limit myself to one or two cans a day. If I don’t have a coke I feel poorly. I’ve tried to give it up few times but not much success 

  • Cola contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. It can be helpful as self-medication for ADHD, which is a common comorbidity with autism.

  • I presumed it was the caffeine. I have never liked coke for the favour as well as the large amount of fizz, but I do miss coffee if I don't have it.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for replying. It’s interesting to hear from others and makes me feel like I’m not the only one that has this problem. I never drink hot drinks being tea or coffee, I do occasionally have a tassimo hot chocolate Pod but I leave it until it’s close to freezing cold before I can drink it. 

    I agree that there’s not really much choice after all hot drinks are ruled out and fruit juice and diluted juice doesn’t taste right to me. I like concentrated apple juice but that’s pretty much it. 

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your reply. I agree with it being ease of access, I like to have I there on hand to drink it. There’s never a shortage on the shelves and I know it’s always available.

    I did watch an interesting documentary last night on the Brazil (think it was Brazil could be wrong) Coca-Cola Crisis where they’re all addicted to it too. 

  • There's a sensory aspect associated with the fizz in the mouth, but that doesn't just apply to Coke.  Personally, I've switched to Zero versions of drink, to keep sugar intake lower,

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. I am also autistic/adhd. I thought there must have been a link somewhere between sugar and ADHD, just to clarify, did you mean that people who are ADHD seek out high sugar intake, or ADHD is caused/made worse by high sugar intake? 

    I don’t eat very much, especially not cakes or sweets, my only sugar downfall is coke. 

  • In my experience there is a higher than average proportion  of autistic people who can’t tolerate tea or coffee (or tap water)  because of taste hypersensitivity’s. Once you eliminate those drinks fizzy drinks are the next easiest to get in school.

  • People will say it’s lack of willpower but I don’t drink alcohol or smoke or do any kind of drugs so I see drinking coke as my release and relaxation time. 

    That's the thing isn't it, the good feelings outweigh the negatives of it and it's soothing and calms me.

  • Coca-cola, for me, is for ease - it's there, and there is little hassle waiting for it or knowing what to do.

  • I think high sugar intake is a marker for ADHD. I was asked about my sugar intake during my ADHD diagnoses. I don't drink Coca Cola (or fizzy drinks really) but during my ADHD diagnoses I was asked about how much sugar I eat. I didn't think I eat that much but when I went through a typical day with chocolate, cake and other things like that it turned out that it was quite a lot. 

  • Hi,

    I know it’s quite expensive. I live near where there’s a food warehouse where they sell 2.75 litre bottles pack of 6 for £11. That’s too tempting to me. I used to drink 2-3 litres a day but have now managed to get that down to 1.97 litres every 2-3 days which is a step in the right direction I suppose. As I mentioned in a comment above, I see it as I don’t drink alcohol or smoke or do drugs. I don’t go out socially very often (at all if I can help it) and coke is the thing I like for myself as it tastes great and I love it. 

    I’ve tried all different kinds from different shops and I can tell the difference immediatly between diet, full sugar, and even the non-branded ones. I’ve done a blind taste test with my mam and others before where they give me them without me seeing the bottles and some of them I can tell by the smell that they’re not the proper ones. They didn’t believe I could tell the difference until they actually did a taste test with me and I proved it. 

    I’ve only began overthinking it recently as I’m starting to get irritated and worked up when I have ran out or don’t have any, the only way I’m noticing that it’s becoming a problem/addiction.

  • Yes, I understand what you’re saying and I’m the same way. I try breaking it up with fruit juice and milk between but I crave it constantly and it’s becoming a problem. Even I can see it’s a problem but I cannot help myself. It’s an impulse I can’t stop. I know all of the badness to go with it, but it’s still feeling impossible to stop drinking it. People will say it’s lack of willpower but I don’t drink alcohol or smoke or do any kind of drugs so I see drinking coke as my release and relaxation time. 

  • I drink it everyday atm and know I shouldn't. It has to be ice cold.

    If I'm not fasting, I might drink up to 6 cans a day. I buy the diet Aldi brand as you get a 6 pack for £1.40. It tastes nicer than actual diet coca-cola or coke zero to me. Aldi sell it in 2 litre bottles for pennies, but once you open the bottle, it starts to lose the carbonation, so cans all the way. 

    If I binge on diet cola, I get brain fog the next day, so the sweeteners are clearly unhealthy. You get an instant buzz from drinking an ice cold can of cola. I think the phosphoric acid content plays a part as it's the first thing that hits you. Then you get the caffeine and the high from the sweetness.

    I'm undiagnosed atm, but it has been suggested that I'm on the spectrum with ADHD. I also has OCD.

    If I fancy a fizzy drink, I'll only choose an ice cold can of diet cola.

  • I stay the Hell away from that stuff, now.

    It's used in India; as pesticide - cheaper than regular pesticide.

  • I'm sorry you've got addicted to coca cola. I'm the same have been drinking it and only it for a few years now I find the taste unbeatable and the extra buzz it gives me feels great. The negatives of course are the bad stomach, the crash later on when the buzz runs out and don't think my liver is coping too well with it. I read up on that and long term coca cola drinking can damage the liver like alcohol,worth noting.

    Some doctors do take it seriously. I've seen mine and she's referred me to a dietician and says I need to try drinking water and squash in between. So far no progress but it's early days yet. Hoping dietician can help with this.