Your Distractions

Hi! I was wondering what you guys use to distract yourselves from anxiety and the pressures in your life? I’ve been off work for a while. I have anxiety disorder and I’ve not done any work for about 5 months now so I really need to get back to it but my anxiety is still railing me and my distraction and coping methods aren’t working like they used to.

Gaming was always one of my best distractions but it’s losing its appeal sadly. I love games, being able to dive into fantasy brought me a lot of happiness but it’s not as fun now and the online games are toxic. People are so rude. I was playing a game on Friday and someone lost and messaged me saying they hope I die of cancer. So yeah not playing that one again. I still have my singing and playing and making music but I’m not feeing the zest for it atm.

Sometimes I take videos like Spongebob, remove the sound and redo the voices as my own, that’s still fun but I’ve not done it recently.

And all the while my anxiety is increasing. I don’t know why I’m so anxious, everything seems to be a trigger.

Hopefully I can find a new distraction soon.

  • I started reading paperbooks and i can't get used to reading them on a screen,

    I'm more of a sci-fi/fantasy fan than anything around current era, unless it's historical fiction

    If you'd like to try a really good space opera, try's_Dawn_Trilogy

  • Hi thanks. That's what I'm going to try and do, take it slow but work on things just try not to burn myself out in the process.

  • Don't listen to them Dawn you know you're working at it and that's all that matters. Go at things in your own time in your own way and you'll get there :) 

    Thanks, I hope it'll settle down soon x

  • Books are brill can take you to another more pleasant world.

    What kind of books do you read?

  • Yeah possibly is going back to work there's a lot of pressure with that so it's overwhelming at times.

    I did see your post yes, that's given me something to think about. Thanks :) 

    Sorry to hear that. Sensory overload is not fun at all. Hopefully your a lot better now.

  • I get from eBay as well.

  • Have you guys tried Sound of Vinyl? Some amazing vinyl on there. 

    I take after my dad, love records and have a good collection going. Got some Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and older ones like Dire Straits and 80s compilation ones. Been collecting the More Yearbooks since last year.

  • Reading is my escape from the world too.

    I read novels and am presently re-reading Graham Greene.

    Brighton Rock at the moment.

    I have a kindle.

  • Usually from Resident Records - Online branch of Independent Music Store in Brighton.

    Now joined Discogs.

  • What vinyl do you collect? It's difficult to find anything decent in charity shops these days but I like buying off eBay and markets

  • Hi

    I know how it feels. After few months break and a nice respite my anxiety strikes back, and for a week now I feel like I lost a will to continue. Nothing gives joy, at least among things I used to do for fun. Even focusing on work, mundane as it was, it still is, but at least I could forget myself, but it stopped working.

    Except bookreading, that still works, and it reminds me I need to procure new ones, as I'm going through last among those I didn't read yet. As a last resolve I can read them again, though normally I would give more time between readings.

    But yeah, a lot of things I was able to ignore previously seems to trigger me now, and it accumulates.

  • Bless you, it's so horrible when you lose the enjoyment of things.  I find it's a phase and an opportunity to try new things or just withdraw and refuel for a while.

    I am wondering of the pressure of going back to work is taking its toll?  I used to recover when off work and get ill again when going back.  I don't work at now which can be incredibly lonely but my Anxiety has reduced as I don't have to deal with crazy environments as much now (just the shops for food .....)

    I'm sure you'll find a new distraction soon.  Did you see the post on tiny things?  My daughter likes to watch "satisfying things" on youtube which helps her zone out.

    I hope you find your way soon.  Feelings are transient anyway.  I posted a very upset post not that long ago and now I have come out of that funk.  Sensory overload is not fun!

  • My brother excelled in Video Games; I didn't.

    My distraction is predominately music; building up a collection of Vinyl.

  • Hi - I have a warning for you, based on my life experience (I'm double your age.)

    And all the while my anxiety is increasing. I don’t know why I’m so anxious

    I found it possible to evolve from one distraction to another for 40+ years.  The transitions periods from one to another were always a bit hit-and-miss, but necessity is the mother of invention, so I always managed despite the hardship involved.

    In addition to the "special interests/distractions" that cycled through the first half of my life, I also had alcohol to "help" sooth and numb when required.

    Eventually, I ran out of distractions and energy and was forced to address WHY I needed to be distracted from life and to confront the core underlying issue.  That was an extremely hard process, but I did manage (just) to get it done.

    If I had my time over again, I would not have wasted so much energy, time and resources trying to "cope" and "distract" myself from life when I was young.  All that did for me, was to delay the moment when I had to confront the underlying realities of WHY I needed such things and HOW I could change my life so that I didn't need them.

    For what it's worth, my advice to you now is to do the hard work on yourself now whilst you are still young.  I got through my delayed process, but it was undoubtedly more destructive and dangerous than it would have been at your age - and I spent a lot of my life needlessly stressed.

    Good luck with your processing.

  • distraction and coping methods aren’t working like they used to.

    Hmmm...I recognise that one. Normally, my hobbies help as might some anti-anxiety tricks, but there reaches a certain point where none of them work any more. It's like applying a sticking plaster to a severed leg. MH services kept blaming me when these things reach a point of not work. Apparently, I'm not working at it.

    I'm sorry you are feeling like this. I wish I had some magic answers, but I hope that whatever is causing the anxiety passes.