RAADS-R Diagnostic Scale

I've finally got my report from my NHS assessment.

It's shorter than I expected.  Just a 2 page letter.

However, it does contain my score which was 175 (above the diagnostic threshold of 65).

I found this site which explains the score and gives some averages (+ a link to take the test).


So, I was a little above the average for an autistic female.

If anyone would like to share their scores, it would be interesting.

A quote below from my letter:

'completed the RAADS-R: the RITVO Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale
revised: this 80-item diagnostic interview consists of questions designed for individuals with average
IQ and above. This is a population with mild or subclinical ASD and these individuals often escape
diagnosis. The RAADS-R was specifically designed to capture that population. Any score of 65 or
above indicates a high likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder, provided the clinical presentation is
convergent with this diagnosis'

  • My bot detecting senses are now streaming....or should that be screaming.

    Sinsobaci, I'm calling you out as a bot.  Your posts defy my understanding of human behaviour.

    RELEASE THE HOUNDS...(if you don't mind please.)

  • but if you're looking for some tips on managing the whole social media circus,

    Do you have special skills, competencies and experience in such matters....as an autist?

    Would you like to chat....or advise...on such matters?

  • First off, it's great to see you back in the social media sphere after your hiatus! Sometimes a break can be exactly what we need to reevaluate our relationship with these platforms.

    I'd love to read what you wrote, but if you're looking for some tips on managing the whole social media circus, I'm here to chat about that too!

  • On the RAADS-R he scored 161 (well above the diagnostic threshold of 77) and the scores on the subdomains were as follows (in between brackets the threshold scores above which a domain is considered significantly to be impacted, followed by the maximum possible score):
    • social relatedness 82 (>31, max 117)
    • circumscribed interests 30 (>15, max 42)
    • language 15 (>4, max 21)
    • sensori-motor 34(>16, max 60).
    These scores are in keeping with the clinical detail that flowed from the history and mental state examination. Therefore, the diagnosis in terms of ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) is:
    Autism Spectrum Disorder without disorder of intellectual development and without impairment of functional language, ICD11 code 6A02.0

  • Hello Roy, could you please share the link to the test with us?

  • Totally!
    One I really hate is

    because libraries aren't what they used to be, now they have to be hubs of activity groups just to stay open, the last time I went to a public library it was full of people - strangers no less, wall to wall noise, too hot, and it stank of sweat. I am never going to another library as long as I live because of that experience. But I don't know if they know what libraries are like now or if they are running on an old fashioned stereotype that isn't applicable in reality anymore.
    At least at a party I've probably been invited so I know people there already and anyone that doesn't know me will likely be too tipsy or think I'm too tipsy to hold my lack of mask against me.

    My joke with my otherhalf is I can't deal with NTs sober, either them or me, at least one us has to be drunk. lmao

  • Same!  Some of these questionnaires are hard for me to complete because of the answers are relative to "normal".  I don't know if I do some things more or less than normal because people don't talk about them.  It's hard to judge my relative frequencies or intensities.

  • So I did the second RAADS and found my most recent results for other tests too. The AQ50 tho I only got a score of 23, because those questions don't have a "*but I'm suspected ADHD option" because I am spontaneous off my own back I can change my own lack of routine at the drop of a hat but if I have something planned I deffo want/need to get done and someone else messes that up for me then yeah I don't roll with that punch ngl.

    So it is

    AQ-50:      23
    CAT-Q:      150
    RAADS-R:   121 - 132 (averaged)

    RDOS aspie quiz:

    The CAT-Q is somewhat out of date though as I've been learning to unmask more since to try and reduce the speed I burnout and shutdown.

  • I get different scores on different days depending on how I remember some things and it's hard to pick an answer to some of them because they aren't always exact in what they are describing so I must be interpretting the questions slightly differently each time.

    But my last score was 121

    I will go away and try forget all about it for a bit them do it again and reply to this comment with the score then too.

  • Depends on which one is supposed to be the default, I can tell the difference between all 3 but I wouldn't say something is "wrong" with someone just because their eyes are set a bit wider than the next person.

  • It's a pretty interesting scale.  I'm looking forward to learning what it means through the links.  If anyone has some insight regarding what scores mean, I'd love to hear about it!

    Total: 182

    Language: 13

    Social relatedness: 81

    Sensory/motor: 53

    Circumscribed interests: 35

  • 65 seems a very low threshold for a diagnosis and does not suggest to me a 'high likelihood' of ASD. I would have thought the realistic minimum for that would be around 130.

    However, they also said that in a controlled research setting, not one NT scored above 65.

  • i got 1 to 5 fairly easily, even if it took some time to commit to a choice. and thought ... how is this happening?

    got to 6 and got maybe two or three more.

  • This one irritated me when I arrived to the 20th picture. The hell I should figure this out! It took me 7 minutes but I got the best result an autistic person is "expected" to get. Only the 2 or 3 ones I could get intuitively and the rest, well. I had to guess from the eyes if the person is smiling, if yes then eliminate the negative feelings and then watch the eyebrows and the angle they are looking from as if is it a direct eye contact or not, and how wide they opened those eyes then based on that choose one option. Ugh it was tiring and irritating!!

  • dude ... i would not have seen anything either... (thanks for posting the differences!! :-) )

  • Ok so 121. I had the test few months back and I think I scored above 120 and less than 130. I did it again today to check how stable my self report is. It is stable but still not completely reliable. I'm also the sort of person who needs 100% sort of precision.

  • I started with the first question (I am a sympathetic person) and I couldn't answer hehe. Am I? This is a hard question. Is it like I'm either sympathetic or empathetic. Can I be both? I guess I have both to some degree.. but, I don't feel like I'm in a position to compare myself to the normal. To me I'm absolutely normal! Self-report is my biggest issue with these tests added to the ambiguity and inaccuracy of possible answers. Also, do I actually remember how I felt and behaved when I was 16? I lacked a lot of self-awarness growing up.. anyhow, I'll try my best to answer it anyway 

  • I scored 68. So this shows this test has limited use because I was diagnosed with autism last year and was very much autistic in my 7 page diagnostic report!!

    I found the Cambridge diagnostic test was much more accurate for assessing autism as the questions have less ambiguity.

    I don't like the way these questions are worded in RAADS-R, for example "I'm a sympathetic person" - I'd fail this as I am a sympathetic person, but what the question is actually asking is can I always tell when my friend is mildly upset versus really upset. I can always tell when someone is really upset, but don't always pick up subtle emotions due to my autism. That doesn't make me an unsympathetic person.

  • I haven't had the official reply from the diagnostics service yet, but when I found the scoring scheme (I had a question I needed clarification on, so looked it up on the Internet), I stopped counting after hitting the upper threshold...