What is autistic inertia?

I keep seeing posts here about autistic inertia. I have to ask what is that?

From the description it sounds like it may be what I am going through at the moment. Only trouble is I have an awful lot of stuff I actually HAVE to do and I don't know how I'm going to find the "energy" for want of a better word to do it.
Any explanations or tips would be very appreciated 

  • I totally understand this feeling. There's also a thing called "pathological avoidance syndrome" which is similar: this means that, if someone tells us to do something, we won't do it.


    I feel like this feeling of inertia/avoidance/procrastination is like sensory overload. We have so much to do that we feel blocked and do nothing.

    I feel that the key is to not self-blame or stress. Take each day as it comes and try to be positive. Just doing a bit of something is a step in the right direction.

    We have to be in the mood, right frame of mind at the right time. Listen to yourself and what you feel like doing...

    Take care Hugging

  • Thanks. I think often it's that I have little of great importance to do. There's lots of stuff that needs doing but nothing major. I've spokenw ith my partner about prioritising.

    I've also been stuck today in hyper focus doing something for work. I alloted myself 2-3 hours and I have been going for 4 with no break. It's like all or nothing!!

  • It's like all or nothing!!

    It most certainly is.  I still have something that simply must be done, that I want to do, that should take me circa 2 days to complete.  I've probably dedicated 2-3 months to this particular task - yet still no meaningful output. AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • It's like all or nothing!!

    It most certainly is.  I still have something that simply must be done, that I want to do, that should take me circa 2 days to complete.  I've probably dedicated 2-3 months to this particular task - yet still no meaningful output. AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I can't argue with that.

  • Yep!! Doing the stuff for work today..I ended up doing more than I needed to for no reason and didn't get done what I needed to. It wasn't distraction, just total hyper focus. When I clean the house, it can go ages doing nothing then I'll just blast it all at once. I've tried to build in a routine but it doesn't work.

    I think on a wider scale, as well as all the masking, all or nothing is probably what has contributed to burn out.