Not up to working, tired of staying at home

I know I've posted on here about work a lot before and got some really useful answers but I have another question

So I can't seem to cope with all the rigmarole and hoops you have to jump through to try and get a job at the moment let alone actually going to a job and dealing with people. Im still coping with burnout and have been since last Christmas 

But I hate waking up in the morning without a job to go to and sitting around the house and not going to work

So my question is, to those of you who dont have a full time job, are there any routines or techniques you use to make the day interesting and to make it go well? I thought writing would occupy me all day as I do freelance journalism and its my dream to be a writer full time but I find I spend most of the day on stupid news websites and twitter and pointless places like that rather than actually writing. Havnt written a word in ages. I find as soon as I get the internet in front of me I cant seem to do anything constructive with it

Any help or advice will be appreciated

I cant go too many places atm as I dont drive and my wife is 8 and a half months pregnant so cant do much driving. Also dont have a lot of money so cant travel too much. I really want to go back to London but the train fares are crazy and im worried ill have a panic attack when Im there

  • I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position at the moment. It sucks, I know, but it won't be forever and I'm sure sooner rather than later things will pick up for you.

    Burnout is hard to deal with and then recover from. Give yourself time and try not to put too much pressure on yourself it will slow down your recovery.

    I understand the feelings of waking up and not really having anything to do specifically like working. I am also into writing and do write professionally. Was full time but not anymore as I'm sick. But when I wake up feeling like I've nothing to do I set myself goals and tasks to complete, usually the night before, it gives me a purpose and that's a big help and boost to my self esteem.

    Some things on my list check sheet is

    • Write 5,000 words.
    • Organise the cupboards.
    • Pick apples from the tree.
    • Brush hair.
    • Feed the ducks.

    Just stuff like that. I know it's not a lot but it does still help fill in the day and make me feel a bit better.

  • Sorry to hear your sick at the moment, I do hope you are able to get back to writing soon. 

    This is really helpful thank you, I might try that list thing. A lot of the things on your list seem the same as mine! Feeding the ducks is like my therapy I do it nearly every day. I also picked apples from the woods in my village recently, sadly they went mouldy before I could do anything with them but I picked enough blackberries to make 4 and a half jars of jam

    I think my main problem is that I am putting pressure on myself and trying to rush my recovery. I keep trying to find a job and get back to how I was before and its just making the whole thing worse. Trouble is I dont know how to do it any other way

  • Sorry to hear your sick at the moment, I do hope you are able to get back to writing soon. 

    This is really helpful thank you, I might try that list thing. A lot of the things on your list seem the same as mine! Feeding the ducks is like my therapy I do it nearly every day. I also picked apples from the woods in my village recently, sadly they went mouldy before I could do anything with them but I picked enough blackberries to make 4 and a half jars of jam

    I think my main problem is that I am putting pressure on myself and trying to rush my recovery. I keep trying to find a job and get back to how I was before and its just making the whole thing worse. Trouble is I dont know how to do it any other way

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