Why does there seem to be a high proportion of paedophiles with autism or aspergers?

I've been watching a lot of the paedophile hunter sting videos lately and almost all of the people they catch either have autism, ADHD , or in some cases a more severe learning difficulty. 

Obviously not all autistic people are paedophiles , and not all paedophiles are autistic but why is there perhaps a disproportionately high number of child sex offenders who are on the autistic spectrum? 

  • i can tell you why. it’s because people who are autistic often get fixated on something and also have much lower social/emotional levels than the rest of the others in society and thus develop much slower vis-a-vis their developmental delay.

    Persons with pedophilia often get fixated on a particular age and often with themselves in an idealized state. I have worked as a therapist with people who had commuter such sex offenses, both juveniles and adults, and while of course not everyone who is autistic has pedophilia amd not everyone with the sexual origination toward children/pedophilia is autistic, there is a very strong correlation between autism and peritonitis 

  • So as a therapist talking to someone about this, how would you say you approach a session professionally, because it feels like such a taboo subject and with such a complex-web of legality and health-care and morality, I can’t imagine the dynamic in a situation like that? Is it like any other CBT or counselling dynamic? Do you just stick to the a script or do you dive-in as it were..? 

    When I worked in debt-recovery, I was talking a neighbour of a debtor over the phone, to gather any data I could for investigation.  
    When the man admitted to me that he had no problem telling me what he knew, as the mother of the household had discovered that he had been convicted of such an offence and had told the whole street, I was stunned at the conundrum of the admission versus my goals.  
    I was snapped back to reality, when he started telling me too-much and offered to scope the property, at which I took a hard back-step. To this day I’m in disbelief at the pendulum of that situation. I can’t imagine the tight-rope one would have to walk over 8 to 10 sessions.. 

    On the one side you have to consider who the client is, but on the other you have to consider the damage done and to who, you also have to consider your own stance and health, you also have to consider the cultural stance.. very very tough complex stuff..

  • So as a therapist talking to someone about this, how would you say you approach a session professionally, because it feels like such a taboo subject and with such a complex-web of legality and health-care and morality, I can’t imagine the dynamic in a situation like that? Is it like any other CBT or counselling dynamic? Do you just stick to the a script or do you dive-in as it were..? 

    When I worked in debt-recovery, I was talking a neighbour of a debtor over the phone, to gather any data I could for investigation.  
    When the man admitted to me that he had no problem telling me what he knew, as the mother of the household had discovered that he had been convicted of such an offence and had told the whole street, I was stunned at the conundrum of the admission versus my goals.  
    I was snapped back to reality, when he started telling me too-much and offered to scope the property, at which I took a hard back-step. To this day I’m in disbelief at the pendulum of that situation. I can’t imagine the tight-rope one would have to walk over 8 to 10 sessions.. 

    On the one side you have to consider who the client is, but on the other you have to consider the damage done and to who, you also have to consider your own stance and health, you also have to consider the cultural stance.. very very tough complex stuff..

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