Really struggling with neighbours

They are so noisy, all of the time :( **removed content as keep forgetting this is a public forum and I wish it wasn’t** it basically feels like they live in my house because I can ALWAYS hear them. I’ve lost it several times today, shouted through the wall, cried and my stomach has been in an angry knot all day. I’m just sick of it and it’s not going to stop. I don’t see the point of moving again as it’ll probably be the same, or could even be worse. Why does everything and everyone have to be so noisy all of the time?? I’m sick of having to wear earplugs, or AirPods to drown it out, why should I have to. I’ve always been sensitive to noise but it seems to be getting worse the older I get :( 

  • been there. no one cares until you punch someone. what worked for me was putting a guitar amp against the thinnest part of the wall and blasting them. i thought the roof might collapse but they stopped after that. scum. pure scum. 

  • I have contemplated doing similar before, I don’t think they’d actually get it though. I’ve turned the tv up by an absolutely ridiculous amount, by the time I’m sick of it and turn it back down they are still making noise. 

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