Really struggling with neighbours

They are so noisy, all of the time :( **removed content as keep forgetting this is a public forum and I wish it wasn’t** it basically feels like they live in my house because I can ALWAYS hear them. I’ve lost it several times today, shouted through the wall, cried and my stomach has been in an angry knot all day. I’m just sick of it and it’s not going to stop. I don’t see the point of moving again as it’ll probably be the same, or could even be worse. Why does everything and everyone have to be so noisy all of the time?? I’m sick of having to wear earplugs, or AirPods to drown it out, why should I have to. I’ve always been sensitive to noise but it seems to be getting worse the older I get :( 

  • I know how you feel. I live in a ‘so-called’ quiet area, yet my entire street seems to be having building work done. I had about five minutes respite when the family next door went on holiday, which meant I could have a few early nights. However, the people next to them have a new dog that they leave in the garden all evening. It’s the yappiest, squeakiest, growliest, stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Just thinking about it makes me want to toss a hand grenade over the fence. I’ve now got earplugs, ear defenders, and plug-in earphones for the tv and Alexa.

  • I know how you feel. I live in a ‘so-called’ quiet area, yet my entire street seems to be having building work done. I had about five minutes respite when the family next door went on holiday, which meant I could have a few early nights. However, the people next to them have a new dog that they leave in the garden all evening. It’s the yappiest, squeakiest, growliest, stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Just thinking about it makes me want to toss a hand grenade over the fence. I’ve now got earplugs, ear defenders, and plug-in earphones for the tv and Alexa.
