Really struggling with neighbours

They are so noisy, all of the time :( **removed content as keep forgetting this is a public forum and I wish it wasn’t** it basically feels like they live in my house because I can ALWAYS hear them. I’ve lost it several times today, shouted through the wall, cried and my stomach has been in an angry knot all day. I’m just sick of it and it’s not going to stop. I don’t see the point of moving again as it’ll probably be the same, or could even be worse. Why does everything and everyone have to be so noisy all of the time?? I’m sick of having to wear earplugs, or AirPods to drown it out, why should I have to. I’ve always been sensitive to noise but it seems to be getting worse the older I get :( 

  • Yes, and just like anyone who is autistic that has major sensory issues surrounding certain noises ‘understanding’ that it’s just general noise of life isn’t helpful in the slightest. Funnily enough, all of the noises that cause me issues are ‘just general noises of life’… It’s not a choice that I want to let it get me and I find it a little insulting that that’s what you are insinuating. 

    I have wondered before if the kid is on the spectrum, and maybe when they grow up they’ll find noises as distressing as I do. However that doesn’t change how the high pitched and loud noises affect me. 

  • I think you need to understand that this is just general noise of life. If it's happened before and you believe it will happen again then it's the way you're viewing it and coping with it that needs to alter. It may turn out that the children are on the spectrum as well. If you start your day feeling they are doing it on purpose or to upset you then it will grind you down. If you're looking out for it or letting it be the focus of your attention then you'll hear it all the time.

    Do you have any noise in your home? do you have the t.v. or radio with something you would like to hear. The more you let it get to you the less you can cope with it.

    Try some meditation or mindfulness. It does help:)

  • Do you not find them uncomfortable? I have loop earplugs and my airpods I wear a lot but I get sick of them in my ears after a while, I also don’t like proper headphones covering my ears. 

  • I’m not sure this applies to me, I didn’t have an issue with them until they started making noise. I’m in social housing, I moved here to be more rural and thought I was lucky to find this swap. 

  • I have contemplated doing similar before, I don’t think they’d actually get it though. I’ve turned the tv up by an absolutely ridiculous amount, by the time I’m sick of it and turn it back down they are still making noise. 

  • Noise cancelling headphones; as an investment to last for years I use them everywhere not just at home. 

  • I've suffered this is many a residency. Interestingly, if you like your neighbours then the noise doesn't both you.

    So for me it's more about your reaction go noise. I am very noise sensitive, but, I'm also very sensitive to the frustration caused by those of either don't like or get along with

    So maybe, a solution, is to move into a community you think might better suit you? Or alternatively, find somewhere rural where there are less people?

  • been there. no one cares until you punch someone. what worked for me was putting a guitar amp against the thinnest part of the wall and blasting them. i thought the roof might collapse but they stopped after that. scum. pure scum. 

  • I really wish I could but I know this won’t work. It’s mostly high pitched children, or one specifically is very loud. It’s just constant. 

  • I don’t understand, I have dogs and one thing I make sure is that they don’t bark and annoy anyone, it’s not hard. In fact one of my dogs is as sensitive to the sound as me and now spends most of the day upstairs to try and get away from it. 

  • I know it will be really annoying for you but I’d swap for cars in a heartbeat! This is a very loud child, only one of them. Talks loudly, screams in excitement, makes a pretend crying noise when it’s not getting attention, shouts all the time, squeals, literally non stop all day. It starts as early as 6 in the morning and they hardly ever take them anywhere. If it’s not the child it’s her shouting get down, get out etc to the dog. I can be at the front of my house inside and they be in the back garden and I can hear them, there’s no escape. I just cried in my car before driving home because I couldn’t bear it for another day, but I’ve just come home to see them driving off, they’ll be back in an hour though. She also slams the front door when she gets in so hard that it shakes the front of my house. We’ve had words before over email as I refuse to talk to them. There’s other families with kids around here but none make as much as noise as my neighbours, and if they do it’s short lived so I know it’ll end, but the neighbours literally never stop. They’re incredibly selfish and live in their little noisey bubble. I don’t expect kids to be silent, but they can at least try and teach the kid to stop being so loud. I work from home too so can’t escape it. 

  • I know how you feel. I live in a ‘so-called’ quiet area, yet my entire street seems to be having building work done. I had about five minutes respite when the family next door went on holiday, which meant I could have a few early nights. However, the people next to them have a new dog that they leave in the garden all evening. It’s the yappiest, squeakiest, growliest, stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Just thinking about it makes me want to toss a hand grenade over the fence. I’ve now got earplugs, ear defenders, and plug-in earphones for the tv and Alexa.

  • I get you with this. I used to live next door to a family who seemed to have a competition on who could slam the doors the loudest and most frequently. I really don’t understand why they did it, but most probably it was that the volume just didn’t register. But when the door is slammed so violently that it reverberates into next door, you’ve probably gone too far. This happened multiple times an evening and was infuriating. I think, for me at least, it was frustrating because it is noise that I couldn’t control, but in my home (a place where I should be making the decisions about noise levels). Currently I live on a quiet road in terms of neighbours, but there is a straight stretch of road that extends no further than 15 metres directly outside my home. It has speed bumps either side. For some reason people cannot resist accelerating a stupid amount along that short straight stretch, only to hammer the breaks at the corner seconds later. I wonder if it is for the misconception of making up for lost times in between speed bumps. The noise this generates is so frustrating, especially in the summer when I have the windows open. It’s more frustrating now I’ve noticed it, so during this busy periods, I try and drown it out with my own noise (music) or busy myself with other tasks. It’s made it fractionally more bearable.

  • Pretend it is storm noise?  I was helped by thinking of the source of the noise differently.  When I’m focused on people producing things I get afraid because of my lifetime difficulties with people.  When I imagine that it is rain, thunder tree noise even loud nature sounds I don’t associate them with fear and frustration which human beings engender. 

  • I’ve thought about sound proofing the walls, or whichever it’s called. I read into it, one stops sound coming in, one stops it going out. But either way I don’t have the funds to do that at all. It’s not only at night, it’s all through the day. It started at 6.30am this morning before I’ve even had a cup of coffee and it’s already upset me. Loop earnplus in already but I don’t particularly like wearing them. 

  • It sounds like (forgive the pun) you are not able to prevent the noise generation at its source.  You have my sympathies.

    What you almost certainly can do is substantively stop the noise from pervading your home - or at least parts of it - with some pretty rudimentary building technology.  It does steal a bit of your space / volume, but in my experience, it was definitely worth the sacrifice for the sake of my blood pressure, especially because I have found my aural sensitivities to increase in line with my grey hair count!

    I did this a few years back, and it was one of the wisest things I've ever done.  My sensory "black hole" is my favourite place to be and has done wonders for my sense of well being at times of overwhelm or when I just need time, peace and space.  Mine didn't cost fortunes and is REALLY effective.

    Good luck - and I hope you can enjoy a peaceful nights sleep.