Empty life

 my life feels so empty, I got no friends and partner 

  • What do you/have you enjoyed most in life? Do more of that, not because that will remedy loneliness, but through those interests and putting yourself out there in situations those activities will provide, will likely invite meetings with people into the same things.

    Then build on that. Take trips to amazing places, or, setup projects that invite others to join you in your journey whatever that is?

    The one thing I can guarantee, is, you are feeling the exact same thing as millions of other people. These are human feelings produced because your human brain has some unmet human needs. Fill those needs through action and you shall remedy those feelings

    Good luck, and remember a good night's sleep and some decent food today makes tomorrow's energy all the more positive (in my experience anyway).

    Also, keep reaching out. We are listening, but other people will to Pray

  • What do you/have you enjoyed most in life? Do more of that, not because that will remedy loneliness, but through those interests and putting yourself out there in situations those activities will provide, will likely invite meetings with people into the same things.

    Then build on that. Take trips to amazing places, or, setup projects that invite others to join you in your journey whatever that is?

    The one thing I can guarantee, is, you are feeling the exact same thing as millions of other people. These are human feelings produced because your human brain has some unmet human needs. Fill those needs through action and you shall remedy those feelings

    Good luck, and remember a good night's sleep and some decent food today makes tomorrow's energy all the more positive (in my experience anyway).

    Also, keep reaching out. We are listening, but other people will to Pray

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