waiting time

how long did you wait for your adult assesment ,  ive been told in excess of 10 months before mine.  does in excess mean thats the minimum amount of time and might be longer, thancs

  • Blimey, even the NAS was about 10 months for me. NHS is years!

    We have a diagnostic crisis I'm afraid and it's got worse over the pandemic 'cos we've all been in doors researching and realising for ourselves why we are different from everyone else and exactly like the folks here.

    But don't lose heart. While you wait your turn there's nothing stopping you self identifying, researching and implementing the solutions that work for you.

    But yeah, been through it and the wait is awful. Chin up!

  • Blimey, even the NAS was about 10 months for me. NHS is years!

    We have a diagnostic crisis I'm afraid and it's got worse over the pandemic 'cos we've all been in doors researching and realising for ourselves why we are different from everyone else and exactly like the folks here.

    But don't lose heart. While you wait your turn there's nothing stopping you self identifying, researching and implementing the solutions that work for you.

    But yeah, been through it and the wait is awful. Chin up!

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