How did you do in school?

Just curious about people who slipped through the net, so to speak.  How did you cope with school?  I developed quite good ways of hiding how much i struggled.  It helped that i was in most of the bottom sets, as no one really cared back then.  I was in the top set for biology, i excelled in that area.  Nothing else part from sport.  I hated going in every day,  i was like a zombie....i literally cant remember my last year in school.  Ive blanked it out completely. 

  • I coped very badly, constant bullying and anxiety, lashing out at the bullies which always got me into trouble.  I did do very well in maths and art though (and a very early computer studies).  couldn't wait to leave but I went straight into the old YTS scheme doing computer studies and all the same things happened - bullying, being the outsider etc.  All this without knowing about Autism.

    School sucked

  • I didnt get bullied too badly.  Had to occasional person who wanted to beat me up for nothing at all, but besides that....i just flew under the radar.  Went to college, couldnt make friends either.  Suprisingly, i found the bullies to be in the work place.  I left one job because of one.  In another, i snapped and threatened one particular co worker.  Didnt bother me again....that wad after months of name calling, getting other staff to call me names.  Finally pushed the nuclear option.....

  • I didnt get bullied too badly.  Had to occasional person who wanted to beat me up for nothing at all, but besides that....i just flew under the radar.  Went to college, couldnt make friends either.  Suprisingly, i found the bullies to be in the work place.  I left one job because of one.  In another, i snapped and threatened one particular co worker.  Didnt bother me again....that wad after months of name calling, getting other staff to call me names.  Finally pushed the nuclear option.....

  • i snapped and threatened one particular co worker.  Didnt bother me again....

    When I was at junior school, walking home one day a much taller bigger older kid kept harassing me. I was a short ar5e and people thought me unthreatening.

    After warning him to back off, unsuccessfully, I swung around and punched him in the chest. He dropped like a sack of spuds and span in circles on the floor. Everyone was surprised, including me. It must have been a lucky winding shot.

    But we all learnt, don't mess with the little kid.

    It gave me a lot of confidence to stand up for myself. It also taught me that people are wary of unpredictable behaviours. People don't expect tables, chairs, bicycles etc to be thrown at them, until they're actually thrown at them.

    Not the best way to behave, and definitely not in adulthood. But it certainly worked for a while. 

  • I was either veiwed as being the bullie or I was bullied myself difference is I never grassed anyone but NTs would try and sabatage me to make me look like I was the bad guy when actually I wasn't so in the end I was just like *** it and didn't give a *** how people saw as they never tried to understand me anyway. Although I wouldn't clasify myself as a bullie I was just miss understood at the time at the time caus back then I hadn't been assessed with ASD  so had to mask my autism.. I always new I was different so did my best to hide that. I also hated having learning support as it just painted a target on back and I was just classified as being stupid or having learning difculties over a disability so school wasn't easy to say the least I don't think it is for many Autistiscs assesed or not. But it's definitely harder if you don't get assesed when your younger. still *** school all it was a was a popularity trible contenst in my opinion partly why I didn't Wana go as I knew it would of been the same too.

  • I have a very low tolerance for bullies in the workplace and push back as soon as possible.  You spend a large portion of your life at work and you can't carry on if it is hell.  I am lucky at the moment that all the team I am in are nice and professional.