Windows NT

Oh, really? Hmm. Interesting.

I've got all three of my eyes on you now, Microsoft.

Windows NT - Wikipedia

  • Given bill gates and a lot of real techies are autistic, I think it should always have been called windows ND.

    It was one of the first decent server and desktop operating systems they wrote, especially NT4 6A. but given it was aging when I started in IT , a couple of steps forward were XP desktop and 2003R2 server, in my opinion that's when they really became strong. My MCSE is 2003, might need to refresh that before I start putting it on my CV these days....

  • Given bill gates and a lot of real techies are autistic, I think it should always have been called windows ND.

    It was one of the first decent server and desktop operating systems they wrote, especially NT4 6A. but given it was aging when I started in IT , a couple of steps forward were XP desktop and 2003R2 server, in my opinion that's when they really became strong. My MCSE is 2003, might need to refresh that before I start putting it on my CV these days....

  • My MCSE is 2003

    It is only 21 years old now - old enough to be starting its own family...

    I started in the dark old days of DOS and command line everything so NT3.51 (my first exposure for it) was like a glimpse into the future.

    I run a virtual desktop of NT4 from time to time for nostalga but by god it is clunky compared to Windows 11.