Sensory issues with sleep

Does anyone ellse tend to have an overactive brain before they go to bed? Like if your staying some where different like at a relative's house you can't sleep well unless it's your own bed. Other people's houses freak me out at night time. I can literally here everything from pipes creeking to floor boards to the wind outside. Then my over imagination kikcs in and thinks there must be somone there when reality I do t beleive in ghosts but old Victorian propperties really creep me out. I sleep fine in my house but when we stay at families houses not so much. 

  • This never happens to me at all.  Except every damned night.  In any bed, anywhere, including my own, in my own house.   

  • Yeah I don't like being in the house in my own. I'm ok when my parents are in the house but when I'm home alone I stay up all night and hate sleeping cause like I said due to sensory issues I can't sleep. 

  • I’ve also been having this trouble when alone recently. I started playing rain sounds and that has actually helped - I think sometimes it feels like the silence itself is too loud (or too quiet, I’m not sure). It plays for 45 minutes and I’ve been asleep by the time it finished which is around 2-3 hours better than I was doing without it! Might be worth a try if you haven’t already.

  • Indeed! Smiley  I like the translations ‘grim spirit’ and ‘border-stalker’ - not that that’s very different to the translation you gave.

    I often think I’m stalking along a border, treading a line between two different planes, sometimes trying to bridge a gap, sometimes trying to find a home I suppose. Maybe sometimes just finding joy in ‘holding the marshes, fens and strongholds’ and ‘guarding the realm of monsterkind a while’

    se þe moras heold, 
    fen ond fæsten;   fifelcynnes eard
    wonsæli wer   weardode hwile”

    Also, the term was used again in a book I read called ‘Culture Care’ which spoke of artists as such border-stalkers, and also bees too. I like both of those things.

    Plus I like what you said about ‘dwelling at the edges,’ between people and wastelands. I think there are important things from the wastelands that need communicating to the people and most people don’t seem to be aware of or notice that. I like to think I try.

    Anyway, sorry for going on. I love the word! It’s nice to meet a fellow friend of old English folklore and poetry!

  • "Wæs se grimma gæst Grendel haten,
    mære mearcstapa,..."
    I recognised the origins of the username. It is from Beowulf, It can be translated as "That grim monster was called Grendel, famed border-strider" Mearcstapa with a less literal translation implies a creature that dwells at the edges, the edges between the inhabitations of men and the wastelands beyond cultivation, or between the everyday world and the 'otherworld'.

  • "Wæs se grimma gæst Grendel haten,
    mære mearcstapa,..."
    I recognised the origins of the username. It is from Beowulf, It can be translated as "That grim monster was called Grendel, famed border-strider" Mearcstapa with a less literal translation implies a creature that dwells at the edges, the edges between the inhabitations of men and the wastelands beyond cultivation, or between the everyday world and the 'otherworld'.

  • Indeed! Smiley  I like the translations ‘grim spirit’ and ‘border-stalker’ - not that that’s very different to the translation you gave.

    I often think I’m stalking along a border, treading a line between two different planes, sometimes trying to bridge a gap, sometimes trying to find a home I suppose. Maybe sometimes just finding joy in ‘holding the marshes, fens and strongholds’ and ‘guarding the realm of monsterkind a while’

    se þe moras heold, 
    fen ond fæsten;   fifelcynnes eard
    wonsæli wer   weardode hwile”

    Also, the term was used again in a book I read called ‘Culture Care’ which spoke of artists as such border-stalkers, and also bees too. I like both of those things.

    Plus I like what you said about ‘dwelling at the edges,’ between people and wastelands. I think there are important things from the wastelands that need communicating to the people and most people don’t seem to be aware of or notice that. I like to think I try.

    Anyway, sorry for going on. I love the word! It’s nice to meet a fellow friend of old English folklore and poetry!