Navigating real relationships when online dating is a negative experience

Hi all,

I'm not diagnosed as Autistic yet but am on the waiting list for a full assessment as I have completed the pre assessment form.

My thoughts about relationship are:

Am I able to have one because of my long term anxiety issues and regular need for emotional support?  I cannot deal with the abuse that comes with paid and non paid dating sites where people are more often looking for casual of which I am not.  I do enjoy a lot of alone time but I also feel deep aching loneliness for a hug and physical/intellectual/spiritual closeness.  I was married for 8 years and together for 10 but my ex husband and I were completely incompatible.  His negatives made mine worse and vice versa.  He was unable to discuss emotions and I am a very emotional person so I felt single in a relationship which was even more lonely.  I feel I want to trust someone again but the more I encounter men, the more they would like a casual hook up which is when I tell them where to go.  I have standards and respect for myself but never seem to meet someone of the same ilk.  

I'd be interested to hear what everyone else thinks and feels about this topic.  It's an emotive one for me and triggers me to tears because I feel there will be no-one for me as everyone is so complex that I'm not sure if I could deal with someones bad points and them mine.  I put my heart and soul into my marriage but my hubby was unable to communicate love to me which I couldn't deal with.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to folks replies.

H :-)

  • Personally I avoid online dating seems dangerous for our kind. Not sure I'd trust anyone from a dating site personally. I believe in the fact the less you look for and the less you try with dating the more likely it happen when you least expect. Going out chasing after can make some come across as desperate I guess but still I'd recommend being careful. Plenty of NT's who'd want to screw over autistic people or scam you in some way. Stay wise and be warehy trust know one imidetly either and if it seems to good to be true then chances are it usually is.  I'm 28 and never had a relationship either. Mostly due to trust issues. See s lot of my freinds getting traped in relationships due to there misses getting pregnant or something the idea of that i find scary as I never want to have to kids due to the stress and responsibility of parenting and also incase my kid ends up like me the idea of that stress is enough to put me off anyway. So don't bother dating in genral.

  • I completely agree.  I think online dating is a pile of nonsense and totally not my bag at all.  I've met some lovely blokes at the karaoke so it's just a matter of time before someone comes along who is a good person.

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