Coping with news

I am really struggling to deal with all the anxiety inducing stuff in the news. Every time I walk past a newsstand I have to turn my head the other way. 
If I ever see a headline I just meltdown. Yesterday I borrowed my wife's phone and a news update about Covid  popped up while I was in the queue in Starbucks. I had a complete meltdown back in the car and nearly smashed my head on the dashboard. 
I started being scared of news during the endless Brexit debates, where everyone just seemed to hate each other, but Covid has made this explode like a mushroom cloud. I cannot cope with seeing Covid news but I also cant cope with the uncertainty of not knowing it.

What I would really like to know is does anyone on here have any coping techniques for dealing with news and media and stuff like this? Please share anything that works for you as it might be useful for me

( Just to be clear, pleas dont have any debates about Covid, Brexit or anything else, thats not what Im interested in, just needed some coping techniques)

  • Hi Billy,

    I understand what you mean about the triggering aspect of the news and for me it's social media platforms too.  All I can say is to try to stick with less anxiety inducing methods of learning about news updates.  I find reading about it less triggering than watching or someone telling me negative news stories.  I would also have mobile coping strategies to take with you when you unexpectedly feel a meltdown beginning.  My personal coping techniques are intricate focus/breathing/stimming/finding a safe space.  An example is when I've been food shopping which is triggering for me. I sit in my car, close my eyes and focus on the stillness of the car (intricate focus) or blast some music and sing along depending on what kind of distraction I need.  Music is usually my go to and dancing to the music in my car is my disguised and 'socially acceptable' stim....  I guess learning what your triggers are and knowing your own personal coping strategies is the key to success.

    Best wishes,

    H :-)

  • Music is a big one for me too. I have to listen to German pop to stim and calm me down when I have a meltdown. I suppose I could always make sure my headphones are with me so I can put it on and calm down 

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