Coping with news

I am really struggling to deal with all the anxiety inducing stuff in the news. Every time I walk past a newsstand I have to turn my head the other way. 
If I ever see a headline I just meltdown. Yesterday I borrowed my wife's phone and a news update about Covid  popped up while I was in the queue in Starbucks. I had a complete meltdown back in the car and nearly smashed my head on the dashboard. 
I started being scared of news during the endless Brexit debates, where everyone just seemed to hate each other, but Covid has made this explode like a mushroom cloud. I cannot cope with seeing Covid news but I also cant cope with the uncertainty of not knowing it.

What I would really like to know is does anyone on here have any coping techniques for dealing with news and media and stuff like this? Please share anything that works for you as it might be useful for me

( Just to be clear, pleas dont have any debates about Covid, Brexit or anything else, thats not what Im interested in, just needed some coping techniques)

  • Hi Billy,

    I wish I had magic answers to this.  Both those issues have caused me a huge amount of anxiety.

    Sadly, we can't insulate ourselves from what is going on in the world.  It won't stop going on because we don't look and we do need that information to know how to protect ourselves/decide what to do at the ballot box etc.

    However, we don't need to be constantly bombarded with this stuff and points below about the scaremongering, if not down right inaccuracies, of some news outlets are well made.  I'd recommend switching off all the news apps etc and get one intake a day or every other day from a reliable source.  Then, focus only on the bits you can do something about - you can decide to have a jab or not, you can decide which party to vote for or look into whether you can apply for an Irish passport etc, but most of it we have no direct control over and that is why it causes so much angst.  All you can do is then try and distract yourself with something you enjoy and push it out of your mind.  Easier said that done?  I know! I fail more often than I succeed with that one, but I try.

  • Hi Billy,

    I wish I had magic answers to this.  Both those issues have caused me a huge amount of anxiety.

    Sadly, we can't insulate ourselves from what is going on in the world.  It won't stop going on because we don't look and we do need that information to know how to protect ourselves/decide what to do at the ballot box etc.

    However, we don't need to be constantly bombarded with this stuff and points below about the scaremongering, if not down right inaccuracies, of some news outlets are well made.  I'd recommend switching off all the news apps etc and get one intake a day or every other day from a reliable source.  Then, focus only on the bits you can do something about - you can decide to have a jab or not, you can decide which party to vote for or look into whether you can apply for an Irish passport etc, but most of it we have no direct control over and that is why it causes so much angst.  All you can do is then try and distract yourself with something you enjoy and push it out of your mind.  Easier said that done?  I know! I fail more often than I succeed with that one, but I try.

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