Mental health....not what I expected

So, had a long history of anxiety and depression.  Lately become very exhausted....I'm prone to "walking" when I can't handle things.

Thought I'd had a breakdown and finally asked for help from my doctor.  I was referred to the mental health crisis team.  I was assessed on the phone and asked to come in for a face to face.....

I was just expecting to be offered  more tablets (never worked) and diagnosed with a personality disorder or schizophrenia....

Halway through, I was asked if it was OK to do a ASD questionnaire.....never heard of it and when asked what it was.....I was abit taken back.  Sure, anyway...I scored a high level and will be referred for I don't know what next or how long that takes.  I was assured I wasn't mental at the end anyway but now feel in limbo abit.

I'm 41.....I've gone through life trying to convince myself I was normal, and since they've mentioned asd.....I've realised I'm really not.....but that's OK.  It kind of makes sense, my life and how I think.  

Anyone else in the same boat? 

  • Hello, I'd rather be ASD that NT (probably what you mean by normal (NeuroTypical)).

    It seems to get a lot of us older diagnosed that way. One day I was mad, the next I was ASD. Haha...

  • For sure, gone through my life thinking I was either a mad man or just dropped on the wrong planet and people could sense I either an alien or just nuts, so they gave me a wide berth

  • Hi, don’t worry, I’m 54 and at the same stage as you,  I did the same test and scored highly, you are not mad, bad or crazy, your brain is just wired slightly differently. 
    I’ve always known that  I don’t fit in, or the square peg in the round hole. Over the next few weeks you will start piecing it all together, that gave me a lot of help within myself, the years of wondering and beating yourself up are over.  When you start to piece all the things that affect you together, you will wonder why you never thought of it.
    Autism is a very select club, you can’t just join, you  have to be born that way. 
    My wife and sons now know  and that has made life a lot easier as we just make slight adjustments in life so I don’t have meltdowns as easily. 
    yes the jumbled, sometimes confusing brain we have is part of us, my thought was that if I have 25 good years left then they are now going to count as I finally know who I am.

    I wouldn’t want my autism taken away from me, it’s part of who I am. The only downside is that there is a long waiting list for diagnosis, it can be up to two years. If you can go private , I felt that it was the right choice for me but obviously the choice is yours. Remember you are not dying, you have a condition. Only a few people know that I’m autistic, most said,”I always thought you was” I just wish that I had known earlier!

    hope your journey goes well for you.

  • There will always be chemical imbalances in everyone's brains. That's what stasis is for. It is why you eat food.

  • It is just the not knowing, and I was also told I had a chemical imbalance in my brain. 
    we are the square peg, the outside world insist that we can be banged into their round hole or world. You have now realised that it’s never going to happen.

  • Excellent. I hear you and this site has a similar effect on me.

  • This is really weird for me with people with similar thoughts and feelings.  I thought exactly the same, but just thought I was alone in this way of thinking.  Mentioned it to some people who've said to me "it's just a label they put on you" but.......its more than that, its a reason why I've felt like this but not know why 

  • I thought exactly the same as you, it’s just me who feels like this and as someone has said bellow, I also got put on antidepressants as well. 
    Guess what? They made no difference.

    It wasn’t till I joined this site that I realised the amount of other people who also aren’t mad, just different and going through exactly the same chaos.

    I can honestly say that listening and talking to others on here has saved me. 
    I had planned my exit from this world but now feel so much more positive.

  • Just borrowedSmiley

    Lady GaGa says it better!

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