Random question but why do middle class people pretend to be working class when there not

I know a few and it's really annoys me for some reason no idea why it greats on me either being from a middle class back ground myself but unedcuated so have to do a working class job when I do get back into one. Think id discribe myself as mudle class. I say be proud of your class and hertige why hide it out of fear or embrasment no matter what class you are and those who denigh there even is a class system are usually the ones who hate people for there class.

  • Urban Life has become too much like Sao Paulo. Shanty towns around the well-off regions.

    Smart Cities would make this even worse. It'll practically implement a parallel universe of people living vacariously about the latest technology.

    The Countryside produces better workers, and healthier people. But we're being priced out because we're not in a Potemkin Village. 

  • Good point. We are being fooled to believe we don't need others. We can have a million social media friends can't we...but who can we call when we need practical help at home? Social media friends are hundreds of miles away!

    I agree that autistic people are suffering more now days...due to lack of social rules to follow- we are lost in mysterious unwritten rules that keep changing. Everything is uncertain and it's sending us nutty. We work best in small communities where everyone knows us and our idiosyncrasies. 

    It's funny, I'm not a specialist at all, I have lots of interests and they keep changing.

  • I don't really understand your comment?

  • there are very very few people who could just retire and live off savings. By that definition I'd say almost everyone is working class. Now how many people could quite a rubbish job and spend maybe 6 months to a year looking for a good one? That might be more of a dividing line.

  • I kind of agree with you, but today's society is such that we don't need other people to survive. We can get anything we want at the click of a button and it will be delivered the next day. Therefore everyone is living on their own track, unaware of other people.

    Useful observation, but I'd refine to say we are encouraged to believe that we don't need other people. We absolutely do, socially and practically, and there's nothing less personal than the (easily monetised) click of a button.  I actually think this is more true of autistic people, who are suffering because of atomisation of society, because we are natural specialists, and specialists work within a social context.

  • I know but most people don't know they need farmers and manufacturers etc. They can't see the chain of production and assume it all just magically appears. Believe me this is true. There are a lot of stupid people out there.

    Your comment about the local communities is spot on. This is a unique time in human history when most people can do exactly what they want with no consequences e.g. social media. Hence all the extreme behaviour we see everywhere. Where this leads, I dread to think...

  • I certainly need farmers and manufacturers etc., or I would quickly die. But the idea of close-knit local communities has largely disappeared. The social consequences of the expressed ideas and actions of the individual are often not concrete now, in the way the disapproval of a local community was through most of history.

  • I can't even begin to guess what you mean by this statement. Who am I selling out, and to whom am I selling them? Have you heard of the term 'altruism'? You haven't engaged with my explanation of it. 

  • I kind of agree with you, but today's society is such that we don't need other people to survive. We can get anything we want at the click of a button and it will be delivered the next day. Therefore everyone is living on their own track, unaware of other people.

    Hence the selfishness of large groups of people these days e.g. anti maskers, antivaxxers. They know that they can do what they like and humans will still survive, so they only care about themselves.

  • Good luck to you then by all means go ahead and sell us out but don't say I didn't try to save you.

  • No, humans have evolved altruism. It is found in all societies, because in our evolutionary past people who accepted help but did not reciprocate were shunned and, as a result, had fewer offspring. They still exist, sociopaths and the like, as a small minority, but they still run the risk of being shunned.

  • An enlightened society. No offence but have you been living under a rock or have you just been incredibly sheltered and fortunate from the harsh realities of this world. If people were left to there own devices the world would depend into chaos an anarchy. People aren't kind people aren't helpful people are out for themselves. Everyone's trying to get one up on eachother all the time. 

  • Well we all wouldn't be here for starters as the *** would have killed us off. You wonder why you never here about autistic people in Russia it's probably cause there all in detention camps like the same as the *** did to us. I'm just saying think for yourselves rather than go with the flow of the main stream agender. Unis are the worst for teach one sided obscure idiolgies then sociaty wonders why know one has a mind of there own anymore.i can't see in colour anymore self but you still can if you stand on your own to fight and realise how something like that would repress further. Democracy is the only true liberty.

  • I was called a "Marxist patrician" by an American borderline Neofascist, in reality I am a Socialist. However, Communism has suffered from the result of where Communist revolutions took place, in countries with little history of local political organisation, with large uneducated peasant populations, previous totalitarian regimes of long standing, a tendency to autocracy and the personality cult of a single leader - Tsar or Emperor. If such a revolution had happened in Britain or Germany, the results would have been markedly different. Communism never had a 'Master Race' ideology and disabled people were not specifically targeted for extermination as they were in Hitler's Germany. Though indeed they suffered with everyone else in the general inefficiency of the USSR etc.

  • Are you implying your backing comunisum because for people like us comunisum would be the worst idiogly since the *** in world war 2. I know are lot of youth are easily brainwashed by the idea even minds like greata Thornburg back maxisum. But for us it would literally be a chatosphory and the worst out come possible. You think if we lived under a comunist recisum there'd be support for people like us?

  • Having thought about this further, one thing which transcends class status is a sense of entitlement. Plus FOMO; Fear of Missing Out.

    Schools would rather teach kids about laws, regulations and 'rights' than how to function in the workplace; other than 'Team Player' psychobabble. The TV and the Internet have rendered Schools irrelevant. As Scroobious Pip said, "The Internet and Pubic Services give free Education."

    Teaching has become too Trendy.

  • Yep partly my reason for bringing it up those who say does class even exist are just kidding themselves or not wanting to show what class they are cause there probably middle class but want to remain neutral. Even thoutthats impossible. Lib demers terminology comes to mind over this hippies Hippies trust funds 

  • To be called intellectual at university was an insult? How ridiculous! What were they thinking!

  • Hit the nail on the head.