Random question but why do middle class people pretend to be working class when there not

I know a few and it's really annoys me for some reason no idea why it greats on me either being from a middle class back ground myself but unedcuated so have to do a working class job when I do get back into one. Think id discribe myself as mudle class. I say be proud of your class and hertige why hide it out of fear or embrasment no matter what class you are and those who denigh there even is a class system are usually the ones who hate people for there class.

  • Having thought about this further, one thing which transcends class status is a sense of entitlement. Plus FOMO; Fear of Missing Out.

    Schools would rather teach kids about laws, regulations and 'rights' than how to function in the workplace; other than 'Team Player' psychobabble. The TV and the Internet have rendered Schools irrelevant. As Scroobious Pip said, "The Internet and Pubic Services give free Education."

    Teaching has become too Trendy.

  • Remember though, it's not schools which set the curriculum. It is the government and the Department for Education. Schools are just following the government's orders, which keep changing. Education is constantly having reviews and changes, and schools are trying to keep up with them.

  • Department for Education. Schools are just following the government's orders, which keep changing. Education is constantly having reviews and changes, and schools are trying to keep up with them.

    Which in my opinion is a good thing.

    I went to school in the 60s and 70s when local authority schools were not inspected or had government departments overlooking them.

    The schools I went to were awful, primary sink schools with very little education, just violence and bullying.

    Then the special school I attended in 1973 was for children in the age range five to fifteen.  It was pleasent and relaxed, but it had zero academic curriculum, no one took exams, no actual teachers.  I dread to think what happend to pupils who spent more than a year there.  They must have left totally illiterate.

  • The problem with ministers not knowing any science is an old one, detailed by CP Snow in The Two Cultures.

    The Guardian produces supplements by and for teachers, so it's no wonder they read it.  Rights and responsibilities are usually said to go together, indeed as far as they're real, I guess responsibilities are derived from (positive and negative) rights.

  • Who knows anything, these days?

    Schools have become talking shops for Guardian-Reading Teachers who try to be Trendy. Whenever I attended an Employability Programme, I was subject to the Post-Modern Balderdash about 'Diversity', 'Rights' and 'Consumer Protection'.

    Everything's about Rights, rather than Responsibilities, these days.

  • I say to that

    just because they do it doesn't mean I have to

    and so I don't and I stay nice

  • I don't know how to be anything but nice and kind. It ensures I get walked over and treated badly. But I'm too nice to turn evil. Well not often anyway, lol.

    Yes, all those ministers are just in their jobs because of who they know, aren't they...

  • Keep at it.  Being nice and kind, I mean.  What you 'offer' is not a 'service'.

    Everyone is capable of seeing beyond appearance, 'popularity' and status.  The people who regularly start with that unconditional regard are still around and we can all encourage more of it.

    The 'who you know, not what you know' is something else to challenge. I read a comment by Prof Brian Cox the other day that he couldn't recall a (science) minister who knew any science (I found Alok Sharma had studied electronics, but just about the only one in 40 years).

  • Keep at it.  Being nice and kind, I mean.  What you 'offer' is not a 'service'.

    Everyone is capable of seeing beyond appearance, 'popularity' and status.  The people who regularly start with that unconditional regard are still around and we can all encourage more of it.

    The 'who you know, not what you know' is something else to challenge. I read a comment by Prof Brian Cox the other day that he couldn't recall a (science) minister who knew any science (I found Alok Sharma had studied electronics, but just about the only one in 40 years).

  • The problem with ministers not knowing any science is an old one, detailed by CP Snow in The Two Cultures.

    The Guardian produces supplements by and for teachers, so it's no wonder they read it.  Rights and responsibilities are usually said to go together, indeed as far as they're real, I guess responsibilities are derived from (positive and negative) rights.

  • Who knows anything, these days?

    Schools have become talking shops for Guardian-Reading Teachers who try to be Trendy. Whenever I attended an Employability Programme, I was subject to the Post-Modern Balderdash about 'Diversity', 'Rights' and 'Consumer Protection'.

    Everything's about Rights, rather than Responsibilities, these days.

  • I say to that

    just because they do it doesn't mean I have to

    and so I don't and I stay nice

  • I don't know how to be anything but nice and kind. It ensures I get walked over and treated badly. But I'm too nice to turn evil. Well not often anyway, lol.

    Yes, all those ministers are just in their jobs because of who they know, aren't they...