Mental hospital

Has anyone here had a stay in one?

I stayed in one in France, interesting.

  • mine is more lively, if there is enough space I would keep running in circles, or around something, could be around a person, waving my arms and hands all over everywhere and I would keep shouting some short sentence on a loop, until I run out of energy, without interference it's like 5min, but with  interference, e.g. what NTs call helping you to calm down, it can keep on going fueled by it, hence my worrries, during last 5 years I had 3 in workplaces, and 1 at home triggered by my ex, before those 4 I did not have one since adolescence, and if they tried to manhandle me, it could go physically volatile,

  • Mercifully for me that only happens when I'm in a medical situation. I got a great special care dentist working with me to minimise the chances by reducing the sensory overload and she knows a melt down isn't targeted at her. Just wish the GPs could wrap their heads around that too, so I can have some health care.

    Otherwise, I tend to shut down or fall into puddles of tears type melt downs.

  • after diagnosis you can still get there easily if you go ''volcano eruption' on someone else in pablic (it won't matter that they spit on you first), some passerby will try to separate you surely and won't succeed, then someone else calls cops, and you  end up sanctioned before they check your name

    so be double careful outside - i know it sounds paranoid

  • That vision has haunted me. Before my ASD diagnosis  there was an occasion when my medical treatment/ sensory stuff pushed me to the brink. They wanted to section me, but I escaped. You don't put a medical phobe in a hospital and expect them to get better.

    So glad I did escape. It would have finished me off. Now I understand the phobia  in light of my autism and I,'m so mightily relieved. I might have years of use in this planet yet.

  • I have when I was sectioned and again when I went ‘voluntarily’ (to avoid having to be sectioned). Would not recommend it

  • I have for 3 weeks, pacing and trying to avoid a schizophrenic person who seemed to want to annoy me. He made me nervous and was making me angry at the same time. It got me on road to being diagnosed with asd though which I think was a good thing.

  • I was worried all my life I will end up in one drugged unable to escape

  • I remember the woman in the next room screaming.

  • Not as such, however as a nine year old I spent a year in  a special school which could be described as mental ward.

  • I have a few times (once I was sectioned, not a nice experience) It was very boring with little to do each day and the help I received wasn't very good.

  • I have several times, it was tricky