Numerology. How many of you is master numbers?



    Unlike the naughty actor Kelsey Grammer. He spells his name wrongly.

  • I have no idea about numbers. That's why I thought I could never be autistic- I'm not a whiz at card counting or any type of sums. I have no idea how any item could cost anything- how do you know what something costs? My TV could cost £1 or £100.

    I only like numbers when there is an interesting date like 2/1/21 or 1/1/11. Things like that.

    I like WORDS. I am a word nerd and like to know everything about words.

  • Glad you have a sense of humour.

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you never got maths.  It's one of those black and white things, you either get it or you don't.

  • No age 52, LOL. I remember being told at school that we had to learn maths as we would not always have a calculator on us. Mobile phones would have blown our minds in the 80's.

  • Grammar or Grammer?

    That's one  of the words I got wrong in a multiple choice spelling test.

  • managed to get to 52 without really needing it.


    Age?  Or you can count up to 52?

  • It is funny I am rubbish at maths, and at spelling and grammar. Before I knew I was autistic I would explain it in the way I was good at history as you had evidence, buildings etc, geography look there is a mountain, science I was ok at as you could do experiments. Maths in particular is not physical, it is just a bung of symbols on a page. I could just never get maths, managed to get to 52 without really needing it.

  • Oh Tassimo grammar is amazing. Don’t let me start. I’m foren at my job place, and I love gramma in every language.

  • I'm the total opposite.  I'm above average in English/reading and f-all in math after algebra (which I liked).  I have dyscalculia, so the only numbers I like are those divisible by 5.  

  • Personally, I have never been interested in numbers. For me, there is a beauty in the rules of the grammar of languages that has always captivated me more than numbers. The patterns and rules of a grammar are much more intricate. Numbers, for me, offer little interest because of their limited surface structure, but language has both a surface structure and a deep structure, which is why any computer can perform calculations. No computer, up to now, has ever been able to reproduce language. 

  • The people on the autism spectrum who are brilliant with mathematics and numbers are those who think in patterns like myself, even though I struggled in English at school and some other subjects I excelled in maths, I were doing Foundation GCSE Maths before finishing primary school.

  • Yes that’s is right, but 1st you have to count it like this

    Day 1+8=9 month 9+5= 14 Year 14+ 1+9+7=31 3+1=     4

    your maths are very correct. That’s the way to find out what way you are. All numbers are amazing, having their roles in our lifes and amazing impacts, as probably you know, judging by maths. You hit jackpot (in theory) when you score master in both occasions. Like 14.02.1975

    1st path


    2nd path

    Month: 02

    Day: 14

    Year: 1975

    1+9+7+5=22 is master number, needs to be reduced in this case 2+2=4


    Good luck to all of you with your numbers, all are good and amazing experience in life. I feel like it allies with what’s most important for us. I love 3, omg their are always supper funny. 5 travels, 7 discovering ourselves. Amazing really. I have two 7’s in my life piramid. 8 money, 9 work for others. 2 learn about life. 6 family.1 everything down to earth 

  • hugwash ,,,, nuts ,,,,, do not take seriously ------  some of associated links on "calculators" are dangerous

    eg 2 Cookies are installed on your device. I have no idea if they are harmful or not 

  • I might use this with caution! This is the type of info data hackers need to get into your accounts.

    But numerology is always intersting! 

  • i am 30   -------- so ? 

    Consider the birthdate of May 18, 1970. Now, Convert the month of your birth to a single digit.

    May = 5 

    Convert your birthday to a single digit.

    18 = 1 + 8 = 9 

    Reduce your birth year to a single digit.

    1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 17 = (1+7=8)

    Finally, sum the totals from each category.

    5 + 9 + 8 equals 22. 

    22 is the Life Path Number or Master Number.

  • edited ---- link was a bit worrying

  • I think lots of us good at numbers. I was 2 years ahead in school maths. Did A level 2 years early. Fascinated by number plates

  • Hi, Neomi.  What's master numbers?