Pet Peeve with Autistic Women

Why do they ALWAYS insist on dying their hair purple, pink, blue or -  worse still the partly-green Billie Eilish look?

Do they want to grow up, or what?

  • People do stupid things.  Usually (but not exclusively) the younger they are, the more dramatic a statement they're trying to make.

    In my case that'd be my tattoos.  Thought I was the *** when I first got inked, a little bit more grown up now.  Now they serve as a permanent reminder of better days, but days I wish I'd spent more wisely too.

    At least hair dye isn't permanent.

  • People do stupid things.  Usually (but not exclusively) the younger they are, the more dramatic a statement they're trying to make.

    In my case that'd be my tattoos.  Thought I was the *** when I first got inked, a little bit more grown up now.  Now they serve as a permanent reminder of better days, but days I wish I'd spent more wisely too.

    At least hair dye isn't permanent.

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