Public Speaking & Confidence

Hi everyone,

Not my first time posting here, I originally posted on this site back when I was 16 which ended in a swift ban for being under-age. I'm now 20 and figured I might try again.

To keep it short; I'm simply open for any advice for public speaking and general confidence.
Please share your experiences, tips and anything useful!


  • I have given scientific presentations to up to 250-300 people, though I can't say I ever enjoyed it. I found not having a detailed script, just a running order with salient headings, was much better. I used cards with a loop of string though holes in one corner and this worked for me - if you drop them, they stay in the right order. I also was very keen on visuals, they help detract from all the eyes being directly on oneself. As an autistic, the standard advice to choose one person in the audience to address definitely did not work for me, I much preferred treating the audience as an amorphous mass - my short-sightedness helped with that. Personally, I always liked the freedom to move about, being chained to a podium I found tended to make me more nervous, and you present a moving target. Slight smile

  • yes i agree use visuals as much as possible pictures, videos, and physical picture / graphics even just one gives people something to focus on which isnt you 

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