Public Speaking & Confidence

Hi everyone,

Not my first time posting here, I originally posted on this site back when I was 16 which ended in a swift ban for being under-age. I'm now 20 and figured I might try again.

To keep it short; I'm simply open for any advice for public speaking and general confidence.
Please share your experiences, tips and anything useful!


  • you could take elocution lessons? that helps with making your voice more clear and ironing out any thick accent to make you more understandable. thats pretty much the official public speaking lesson type thing to do.

    other than that im not sure there is anything, i guess your mind will always be muddled and you will always trip over words lol take alot of long pauses to think to prevent that i guess.

  • Thank you for the quick response. I've considered this before and I like the idea! Have you personally taken them yourself, if so what is it like? And can you reccomend any places/online classes?

  • never taken them before, but i saw a trick on a tv programme that they do in them. where you put a pen in your mouth to keep your mouth open in position and make it hard to speak, then keep your tongue pressed to bottom of teeth and then try to talk like that. it supposedly makes you focus on pronunciation more which makes your voice clearer and gets rid of any accent. think its a really old technique that even in ancient greece they did that but instead with stones in their mouth to make it hard to speak. supposedly a traditional way for any public speaker to be better at speaking clearly.

  • Sounds interesting Smiley I'm going to look into it.

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