Anyone sensitive to noise?

I got a huge problem right now with a bike passing really close by to my bedroom back and forth which local government is enabling, and I think I'm getting some ptsd-like symptoms, except for 'post', it's more of a revolving door at this point, but like every time I hear the faintest similar noise in a movie e.g. I pause to see if it's external, and at my most extreme rarely I mistake my cats' purring for it too for an instant, due to the bass quality... I feel like I'm in Dante's Inferno, honestly, with the local government here practically forcing me to be subject to mental torture, even a death threat, which everyone simply brushes away... always hyperalert when it's happening and getting worse outside of it too... I try to keep this almost delusional hope alive of relocating, but sometimes the bleak reality seems to indicate that all hopeless and there is only one end to it (I just simply can't live like this forever... just can't...)

  • Completely empathise as I feel the same.  A neighbour keeps playing music and I’m on the edge  so quickly. I think it is worse after a patch of it, and sounds like your not getting any respite. 

  • Completely empathise as I feel the same.  A neighbour keeps playing music and I’m on the edge  so quickly. I think it is worse after a patch of it, and sounds like your not getting any respite. 
