Anyone sensitive to noise?

I got a huge problem right now with a bike passing really close by to my bedroom back and forth which local government is enabling, and I think I'm getting some ptsd-like symptoms, except for 'post', it's more of a revolving door at this point, but like every time I hear the faintest similar noise in a movie e.g. I pause to see if it's external, and at my most extreme rarely I mistake my cats' purring for it too for an instant, due to the bass quality... I feel like I'm in Dante's Inferno, honestly, with the local government here practically forcing me to be subject to mental torture, even a death threat, which everyone simply brushes away... always hyperalert when it's happening and getting worse outside of it too... I try to keep this almost delusional hope alive of relocating, but sometimes the bleak reality seems to indicate that all hopeless and there is only one end to it (I just simply can't live like this forever... just can't...)

  • just put a load of oil on the road outside, that will stop the fecker lol

  • Someone could be seriously hurt. I don't think I would personally want the additional stress of being charged.

  • aye, although generally i find alot of people can be hurt by idiots on bikes too. round where i live theres small walking tracks at back of farms, only big enough to walk down yet you get idiots whizzing down there on dirt bikes at top speed not caring if there could be a person walking that theyd run into. some people shouldnt be allowed bikes at all.

    and alot are actually illegal... there is actually a sound limit they have to stick to and some take exhaust off to break it on purpose to be obnoxiously loud. thats illegal to do.

  • Oh, I've seen cycle tracks, but not motorcycle tracks, and even cycle tracks are few and far between, apart from the few mountain bike trails I've come across.  I walk in all areas in my county and the ones surrounding me. It's obviously a localised to certain areas then. Glad it's not near me. 

  • Pretty much every walking path I've been on except those in Scotland have bike tracks on them, and I nearly always see multiple people cycling or on dirt bikes when hiking. It's very very common. I'm surprised that you haven't seen it.

    Of course, it depends how remote you go. On all of the woods, trails, and moorland in a 50 mile radius of where I live in the North West, it's pretty much impossible not to see bikes when out walking.

  • barely see any police were we are. saw them during corona for sure, and funny thing is they even said they was on the lookout for some guys on bikes then lol so the only time they came out, corona, they realised our area has a off road bike problem. they havent kept up with it though, lockdowns are over and the police have f****d back off to town and dont care about our area no more.

  • How odd. I'm a walker too, I walk miles, and I've never met a bike off road, or seen any footpaths ruined by bikes. Dug up by horses, by cattle, and by farm equipment, yes. Bikes, no. The police, at least in my area, are very down on illegal greenlaning.

  • had a motorbike myself. im just against any people doing *** behaviour. just because i like motorbikes and had one myself doesnt give them a free pass to be a *** with them lol

    i also like walking more i guess, and they dig up and ruin all the walking paths with bikes when there is enough road for them and barely any peaceful walk paths at all for walkers due to how urbanised the world is becoming.

  • You're very prone to generalisations, aren't you? I've seen it in some of your other posts. To be clear, there are far more people injured by a car than there are by a motorbike. The accidents that involve a motorcycle are usually caused by someone else, not the motorcyclist themselves. The percentage of motorcyclists who alter their exhaust is very low (their argument is noise saves lives, because oblivious people in cars can hear them coming. I'm not on board with that logic), and if caught they WILL get a hefty fine (and eventually they do get caught. The police have a love/hate relationship with bikers and crack down on them if given the chance). 

  • You're very prone to generalisations, aren't you? I've seen it in some of your other posts. To be clear, there are far more people injured by a car than there are by a motorbike. The accidents that involve a motorcycle are usually caused by someone else, not the motorcyclist themselves. The percentage of motorcyclists who alter their exhaust is very low (their argument is noise saves lives, because oblivious people in cars can hear them coming. I'm not on board with that logic), and if caught they WILL get a hefty fine (and eventually they do get caught. The police have a love/hate relationship with bikers and crack down on them if given the chance). 

  • Oh, I've seen cycle tracks, but not motorcycle tracks, and even cycle tracks are few and far between, apart from the few mountain bike trails I've come across.  I walk in all areas in my county and the ones surrounding me. It's obviously a localised to certain areas then. Glad it's not near me. 

  • Pretty much every walking path I've been on except those in Scotland have bike tracks on them, and I nearly always see multiple people cycling or on dirt bikes when hiking. It's very very common. I'm surprised that you haven't seen it.

    Of course, it depends how remote you go. On all of the woods, trails, and moorland in a 50 mile radius of where I live in the North West, it's pretty much impossible not to see bikes when out walking.

  • barely see any police were we are. saw them during corona for sure, and funny thing is they even said they was on the lookout for some guys on bikes then lol so the only time they came out, corona, they realised our area has a off road bike problem. they havent kept up with it though, lockdowns are over and the police have f****d back off to town and dont care about our area no more.

  • How odd. I'm a walker too, I walk miles, and I've never met a bike off road, or seen any footpaths ruined by bikes. Dug up by horses, by cattle, and by farm equipment, yes. Bikes, no. The police, at least in my area, are very down on illegal greenlaning.

  • had a motorbike myself. im just against any people doing *** behaviour. just because i like motorbikes and had one myself doesnt give them a free pass to be a *** with them lol

    i also like walking more i guess, and they dig up and ruin all the walking paths with bikes when there is enough road for them and barely any peaceful walk paths at all for walkers due to how urbanised the world is becoming.