
Is anyone else's sleep really horrible right now?

  • My sleep's not exactly horrible, but I find the long daylight hours and higher temperatures at night during summer affect me. 

  • Ok, so it's not just me. I had a thought...hmmm, it's interesting that my anxiety isn't affecting my sleep-at least I have that to be grateful for....then BAM, I've been sleeping really bad for the last 2 wks. We have ac units vs central air....I'm pitta/kapha on auryuvedic if you believe in that stuff. Apparently, June-Sept is in the Pitta state....I find it interesting.

  • Ok, so it's not just me. I had a thought...hmmm, it's interesting that my anxiety isn't affecting my sleep-at least I have that to be grateful for....then BAM, I've been sleeping really bad for the last 2 wks. We have ac units vs central air....I'm pitta/kapha on auryuvedic if you believe in that stuff. Apparently, June-Sept is in the Pitta state....I find it interesting.

  • I dipped into Ayurvedic things for a while, but then realised that the best way to make the most of it was to go deep as the superficial typings just didn't quite work for me. I didn't have the resources for that at the time and other approaches were working better. Have Deepak Chopra's book (Perfect Health), and keep on meaning to read it but sadly haven't... yet! Really interesting POV on health, though. 

    I think I was overwhelmingly vatta, as advised by an Ayurvedic consultant and backed up by a few questionnaires, so I should love the heat and/or it should help me. That's just not the case for me, though. I'm easily too hot or too cold, sometimes don't notice when I get too hot and just end up going quiet and feeling very ill, not sweating. If I take a layer off to cool down and my recovery is almost instant!

    Ayurveda or not, though, whatever helps you learn more about yourself is good.