Absolutely Exhausted

Hi everyone 

If anyone can offer advice, help, or an explanation I would be so very grateful. 

I arrive home from work and I'm so completely exhausted that I need a nap. I wake up still feeling totally drained and remain that way until I go to bed. Regardless of how much sleep I have, I will still awake in the morning feeling so unbelievably tired. Feeling that way all day, I get home and need a nap, the cycle continues. I then spend Saturday lethargic, by Sunday evening I'm feeling better, then come Monday it all begins again.

Can anyone help, know what this is about? I honestly don't feel like this is living at all. Does anyone else experience this?


  • If anyone can offer advice, help, or an explanation I would be so very grateful. 

    I arrive home from work and I'm so completely exhausted that I need a nap. I wake up still feeling totally drained and remain that way until I go to bed. Regardless of how much sleep I have, I will still awake in the morning feeling so unbelievably tired. Feeling that way all day, I get home and need a nap, the cycle continues. I then spend Saturday lethargic, by Sunday evening I'm feeling better, then come Monday it all begins again.

    Can anyone help, know what this is about? I honestly don't feel like this is living at all. Does anyone else experience this?

    It could be toxic overload, involving high cortisol levels due to stress as produces free radicals and ketones, so basically a stress induced hangover that many people on the spectrum suffer from.

    So drinking plenty of water (i.e., at least two litres a day), eating a good daily proportion of green vegetables containing glutathione (such as), taking activated charcoal capsules with your main meals (such as), and using detox bath products once or twice a week (such as).

  • Thank you! Honestly I rarely drink water, and I know I really should. Thank you for taking the time to help. I really do need to look after myself better, it's something I'm really bad at doing.

  • Thank you! Honestly I rarely drink water, and I know I really should. Thank you for taking the time to help. I really do need to look after myself better, it's something I'm really bad at doing.

    I often struggle with the water drinking thing myself actually ~ particular when I get stressed, as the freeze, hide, flight or fight reflex which all of us on the spectrum are stuck in, means that things like eating and drinking have to be habituated for some of us as they can get somewhat pushed back or else completely pushed off the need to do list.

    Basically when the survival reflex is triggered the urge to socialise, eat and drink and all that gets bypassed in order that every resource of the body-mind relationship can be used to escape, hence the narrower ranges of interest and lesser capacity for social interaction, imagination and communication.

    Any time I get stressed and overwhelmed by things ~ I completely and utterly forget to drink water (or fluids in general) and end up getting somewhat dehydrated, which gets rather uncomfortable and incredibly exhausting, hence me compensating for this by rehydrating in detoxifying baths every three and four days, no matter how dehydrated (or dessicated) I may or not be. 

    I personally mix at least 400 grams (usually 800 grams to 1 kilogram) of Bicarbonate of Soda, 500 grams of Himalayan or Dead Sea salt and a handful or two of Magnesium flakes into a hot as possible bath, and after having drunk half a litre of water ~ I sauna-soak for a couple of hours until the water temperature goes lukewarm or cold. After which I drink another half a litre of water and go to bed.

    I have been doing this religiously for about twenty-three years now, and it really helps me deal with having a hypertensive toxic body, and even if I cannot sleep (which is usually rare after a detox bath) I feel rather blissed out and relaxed which I seriously enjoy as an experiential contrast to how I otherwise feel physically.

    Maybe give the bath-thing a go and see if it helps to sort the problem out, and if not so much it might help indicate whether your problem is otherwise metabolically related, perhaps.


  • Thank you! Honestly I rarely drink water, and I know I really should. Thank you for taking the time to help. I really do need to look after myself better, it's something I'm really bad at doing.

    I often struggle with the water drinking thing myself actually ~ particular when I get stressed, as the freeze, hide, flight or fight reflex which all of us on the spectrum are stuck in, means that things like eating and drinking have to be habituated for some of us as they can get somewhat pushed back or else completely pushed off the need to do list.

    Basically when the survival reflex is triggered the urge to socialise, eat and drink and all that gets bypassed in order that every resource of the body-mind relationship can be used to escape, hence the narrower ranges of interest and lesser capacity for social interaction, imagination and communication.

    Any time I get stressed and overwhelmed by things ~ I completely and utterly forget to drink water (or fluids in general) and end up getting somewhat dehydrated, which gets rather uncomfortable and incredibly exhausting, hence me compensating for this by rehydrating in detoxifying baths every three and four days, no matter how dehydrated (or dessicated) I may or not be. 

    I personally mix at least 400 grams (usually 800 grams to 1 kilogram) of Bicarbonate of Soda, 500 grams of Himalayan or Dead Sea salt and a handful or two of Magnesium flakes into a hot as possible bath, and after having drunk half a litre of water ~ I sauna-soak for a couple of hours until the water temperature goes lukewarm or cold. After which I drink another half a litre of water and go to bed.

    I have been doing this religiously for about twenty-three years now, and it really helps me deal with having a hypertensive toxic body, and even if I cannot sleep (which is usually rare after a detox bath) I feel rather blissed out and relaxed which I seriously enjoy as an experiential contrast to how I otherwise feel physically.

    Maybe give the bath-thing a go and see if it helps to sort the problem out, and if not so much it might help indicate whether your problem is otherwise metabolically related, perhaps.

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