Do you Internalise or Mask or both ?

Hi, I'm just wondering has anyone ever thought they have done both of these at any time in their lives ?

I often read on here that it is usually females that internalise whereas males mostly mask. Is this correct ?

Looking back, I feel I have done both. I am male. I know there are males here who have said they internalise 

and others I suspect have had the same experience. Perhaps far more than care to admit due to the stereo-typing

that it's only likely to be females who internalise ? In any case, isn't the outcome and diagnoses the same at the end of the day ?

I.e Exhaustion ?

What is your experience ? 

  • I do both. I used to be a very heavy masker in my 'old life' pre-diagnosis, it didn't go well because I am not very good at it. These days I have very limited social interaction, I don't mask with my close friends, but in the rare occasions where I have to meet neurotypicals I don't know, I automatically start masking - it's a fear based response.

    I tend to internalise until such a point where I have a massive meltdown followed by a depressive episode.

    In my experience, females tend to mask more, and males tend to be more open with their autism, because eccentric behaviour is more socially acceptable in males.

  • Here, in Rural Ireland, even men aren't allowed to be eccentric. We're branded 'Not Wise'.

    I can mask up to a certain level. But thinking of issues, such as the things my cleaner told her gran did and said, would make me giddy.

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