
One thing I find ironic is how neurotypicals always say that we have no empathy, when in fact the opposite is true... I have hyper empathy, which is common in autistic people, apparently.

I can pick up people's mood straight away, and I have a particular soft spot for animals. The other day I started watching the documentary "Blackfish" on Netflix about killer whales in captivity, and it caused me immense distress because of how the animals are treated. It took me a while to calm down after that and I still feel a bit sad about it at the moment.

Does anyone else get distressed when watching something sad on TV?

  • I love dogs, they are my faves. One day I want to own one!

    I can occasionally "switch off" empathy if it gets too much. For example, if I'm talking to someone and they talk about something that upsets me, I just switch off and nod/say "mmm" at the right moments lol. Also, when I was volunteering at a hospital last year, I sort of switched myself off when I was there so I could do my job, and then would get all emotional about all the suffering people when I got home lol

  • I'm feel like I'm some of both certain things I can be hyperempathetic and other times I'll be hypo, however it fluctuates... it's strange. One consistent thing I have trouble with is animals I can get very emotional about dogs and my dogs if something is wrong.

  • Films need to have the characters behave in a logical and sensible / realistic way -

    Directly they go to the cabin in the woods and then split up and take annoying kids with them, I'm out.

    I like "Paul"

  • I feel like my brain ruins most films - it either finds things sad, or finds logical flaws/logical loopholes/gets annoyed by stupid things. Do you find that too? I would love to have someone to watch intellectual films/documentaries with, but most people like stupid films...

  • A.I - innocent child robot used and abused by grown-ups.

    Oblivion.    Self sacrifice - doing the right thing.

    Finding Dory - autistic fish with ADHD getting separated from parents.

    I could list hundreds.

  • The new Joker is really good, but heavy. I've seen it twice, and cried the first time I watched it. The second time I watched it was also quite heavy. 

    What was the most distressing film you've ever seen? For me it was The Green Mile - I will never watch it again! The botched execution scene has been branded into my brain forever...

  • This thread! There are SO many things forever burned into my brain that I can't even begin to console. To start with world events. 

    Here's a film I had to leave within 15 minutes: The Dark Knight. I love superhero movies and this was arrested with the kind of brutal sadism that  -- still happens in the world. The new joker movie with J. Phoenix invoked more of a revolt against a crushing system, but I cannot handle watching violence. My son will sometimes tell me what I probably shouldn't watch.

    I've been studying a few psychoanalysts who revolted against their own system and paved the path toward further understanding autism who both realised that the first thing which 'disabled' bodies needed was a break from society. What's been allowed in the medical field in the name of 'education' is horrifying enough. If anything I've been driven to study individuals like R.D. Laing and Felix Guattari all the more. Knowing various humans tried to liberate humans and redesign perspective has become the only way to sooth just how maddening humans can be. 

    Empathy is something which can be learned through art: heartbreaking symphonies or a moment with Van Gogh. But I wonder if the entertainment at this point isn't just reinforcing slightly psychotic behaviour.

    Goodness this^^ took a minute! Difficulty articulating today... 

  • Status is deeply primal - it's all about having the most resources, biggest territory, most access to food, strongest / most offspring, best job title, most money, best house - it's basically bird / dinosaur nest building and best mating dance.    People still claim to be 'evolved'.

  • I don't understand their ridiculous obsession with status. Also, they let people with a high social status get away with anything, and turn a blind eye to their bad behaviour. Whereas those who have a low social status get demonised for every little thing they do "wrong".

  • That's a status thing - their most important value - if someone else is doing badly, then they are doing better - they win. 

  • I have noticed that NTs seem to take joy out of other people's suffering - it makes them feel better about themselves. Their whole life seems to be a never-ending game of one-upmanship.

  • Yep - as long as it happens to someone else, it's all good.  Disappointed

  • Yeah and they seem to find horrific stuff "entertaining"... I mean, it explains things like bullfighting, gladiators, public executions and other horrible stuff that has happened in history.

  • NTs - everything is disposable.

  • Ah shoot, sorry didn't mean to make you sad!

    Yeah I remember when everyone and their momma was obsessed with Tiger King last year... it's so awful. I didn't get it. I remember posting on Facebook at the time saying how I am baffled how people like that show, and just got a load of replies like "lighten up snowflake" and that it's "entertaining"... wtf

  • There are so many things I can't watch - especially invoking animals or innocent minds.      Just reading the word "Blackfish" has me tearing up.

    "Secret Life of the Zoo" is risky for me too.