Does anyone else sleep loads?

If I am working full time, I find the only thing that helps me recover from overwhelm is sleep. If I am tired I literally cannot process information. Does anyone else sleep loads? I've always slept too much as my coping mechanism. 

  • Same here. I've worked over my contracted hours this week and really felt it. So every day this week,  I've logged off, literally felt so exhausted I couldn't function, and fallen asleep for 3-4 hours. I'd like to say it was an age thing but I've always been that way.

    Happened at school / Uni too - once I'd finished the day and got home I had to crash out for a few hours before I could do anything.

  • Ethan, do you know if you're a bit more Aspie leaning, or a bit more ADHD leaning, or something different to this?

  • When I was diagnosed --- autism spectrum condition (I refuse to call it a disorder). I don't know if there's anything else going on underneath the hood. From what I'm reading from other aspies experiences I relate to a lot of them - so whatever else might be mixed in there in the back of my psyche I'm happy to leave it alone.

    Had depression and anxiety for years, only because I couldn't figure the social world out, so there was a cycle of function-breakdown-drugs and short-term counselling-recuperate and start all over again.

    I've always found being round people, or in environments where I've no corner to retreat to, exhausting. I used to enjoy conferences but would always be floored after the first day because of the constant stimulus.

    Some of the jobs I've done (hospital work, customer facing) I've no idea how I got through the day.

  • Yeah. Your reply on the 'god' thread struck me as a similar-ish way to how I see some of the world. I'm with you on calling it a condition and not a disorder.

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