Weird dreams!

Hello everyone just wondering if anyone else on the spectrum has very weird and powerful dreams is it a symptom of autism?

as an example last night I dream I was back in time travelling on Santa’s sleigh I love Christmas 

  • I have a strong and vivid imagination, it comes in handy when I'm reading and trying to picture what I read. It is also useful when I'm doing creative writing, something I do most days, if my hands aren't too painful if it's a good day with my sensory struggles. When I dream my imagination can make them seem so real. They can be exciting, adventurous, scary and just plain weird! Lol. But they are almost always lifelike, leaving me feeling in question whether the here and now is reality. That is how incredibly spectacular my dreams can be. It's also led me to a fabulously imaginative book I am writing and continues to ponder on my mind that one question: is this real or a dream? With my imagination it really is difficult to say.

    That said another problem with my mind is that I over focus and over think every little thing, which is fine unless it plays on my mind all the time. Which it often does. I dream of a quiet mind where my thoughts don't rush at a million miles an hour!

  • Hi Deleted user, I'm Caro. This is an interesting question! I suppose it must depend on the person in question but for me I believe it's something I can relate to as I tend to experience strong dreams and sometimes nightmares, all of which I will normally remember crystal clear and be able to play back in my mind as if it's a video.

  • Experts say that everyone dreams, even if they don't remember it. Each person is unique, so dreams are very different. The easiest way to understand them is to sort yourself out or get help from a psychologist. Once you find out which motives recur most often, try to establish how they relate to your life. People often dream about what they want to have. It is no secret that to fall into a conscious dream, people often resort to manifest images and holding them while falling asleep.

  • Greetings. Have a 'Search' by entering the word "dreams" into the search box, and there will be lots of Threads about "Dreams". Many of them OPd by The User "Robert123", whom.I wonder if You are still OK and How You Are...! 

    Apart from that, I take oppertunity here to say again something I asked recently: To FLY in Dreams is to direct the "Heart Chakra" like running or swimming, and I asked if anyone else could confirm this? (The "Heart Chakra" is <> Imagine a "Green Energy" in the middle of the upper chest & point that in the direction of wherever one wants to "fly" -- starting with upward to get clear of the ground, obviously (!).)

  • Yeah I’m going to try that I love games.

  • there are peple who believe we are all in a big game controlled by some super beings elsewhere. The interesting thing if u take this seriously and treat everything as a game its quite a healthy thing mentally to do. 

  • Yeah I’ve got a recurring dream about being in the sonic the hedgehog video game it feels so real.

  • I have strange dreams.  

    I've dreamt a full dream in lego. A full dream in cartoon. (or at least my memory says it was a full dream) 

    I've also dreamt that my dad became a packet of peppers. 

    I have very vivid, surreal dreams. 

  • Yes I can remember most of my dreams their really strange and complicated.

  • Hi, my son is having some very weird and powerful dreams , he remembers them every night and then feels like he hasn't slept . they scare him as they feel so real. even if they are nice dreams.