Is this forum indicative of the wider Aspie public?

Hi. Joined a few weeks ago after self-identifying, and have begun the process of an official diagnosis a few days ago. 

I am pretty convinced that I have Aspergers/HFA, but after reading the posts on here I feel that perhaps my symptoms are not as bad as I thought. Relationships have suffered throughout my life, I stim, have anxiety issues... but is it crippling? No. 

I lead a relatively normal life. Married with a child. Successful career. But I always put my foot in it. Say inappropriate things. My tics are discreet but ongoing. Man of very few friends. Can be obsessive. Scored 44 on ASQ and 10 on EQ. But then I read some of the posts on here...

So - are the issues many of you face on here typical for somebody suffering from Aspergers? I read about suicidal thoughts, being afraid of the outside world, crippling anxiety, and an inkling of doubt starts to creep in!

  • Your story sounds very familiar to me. 

    I have a great job, some solid close friends, appear outwardly sociable, have a long stable and happy relationship, enjoy travel. 

    But I 'hit the wall' in March last year aged 38.  I thought I'd had a nervous breakdown.  As I frantically googled the signs of a breakdown I came across a female describing an autistic burnout... Everything suddenly clicked into place... A real 'aha moment for me.

    I got my diagnosis in January this year. On the run up to my assessment I had real "imposter" syndrome..but sometimes I still do for all the reasons you stated.  

  • Thanks for your comment. I think some of us can mask extremely well, so much so we fool ourselves too - until an incident like you describe occurs.

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