How is everyone coping with the current changes?

Like most with autism I dont like change and I am finding everything really overwhelming and was wondering how others were coping?

It may seem daft but I am not worried about catching it, well obviously I don’t want to catch it but I am not anxious and thinking that I am going to catch it. It’s the lockdown and lack of routine that is sending me mad. I have my set routines and now I have to stay in I cant follow my weekly routines and this is what is causing me the stress. I do feel like your going to think I am being selfish as all I have to do is stay at home and others are putting their lives at risk, I just cant snap out of it.

A few years ago I had bit of a breakdown when things changed too much and it made me really ill, I am worried this may happen again, I live on my own and am really considering ignoring all the rules and just getting out of here but I no that is wrong and I think the stress of breaking the rules would then cause me an issue.

maybe I am over reacting, what is everybody else doing to get through this?, anybody else struggling too?

  • For me, though I tend to be a natural introvert, when I get stressed, I go for a long countryside drive and I find that I de-stress while driving. I relax... 

    But with this lockdown I find a panic when I can't do this. 

  • I think we maybe similar when I was a child if I was stressed I would run, it wasn’t running as in a typical runner I would jun run Lund and round and refuse to stop when teachers tried to get me to. As an adult I would drive somewhere that would be quiet even if I didnt stay there long, also I hide in my house lots so don’t understand why lockdown is so hard for me.

    I know what you mean about panicking, panic attacks really take it out of me I hope your not struggling too much 

  • I am usually ok, but now and then I get panicky. Is more of an inward panic. 

    It is 0453 and I am still awake. I was going to go to sleep at about half an hour ago (Well. My internal time clock is out as my nephew is awake chatting to friends on the internet until 0500am (He is not in school and hast to live here at the moment))... And my lady friend was chatting to me via the internet... And I have heartburn! Well. My Mum had baked some biscuit things as we are not going out much for food (A bit stressful to be honest)...

    But anyway... I am coping, but I am normally semi active sort of person as in the past I was cycling fairly often, but since the last three burnouts. Well. I got right after the one ans got back on the bike. When I was ok with a short spin of about 5 to 6 miles involving a steep hill to get home, I then took another part time short term job as I had no income (After burnout I was not feeling like going through the stress of looking for work, so I didn't sign on. Back then I didn't know it was called burnout or what the shutdowns were (I just was never able to explain them to doctors in says that they understood), so I was taking long rests without an income, and when working, I was only doing about 12 to 16 hours a week spread over about three or four days a week. 

    I then had burnout towards the end of the job (Temporary work) and took a rest with no income again. (When working over half my pay went in travelling costs as I was on minimum wage and payin emergency tax (Which they did send back and I am very greatful for). So eventually I was just back able to cycle again, and another temporary job came up, and so the process repeated again. Then it happened a third time. I hadn't really got back on the bike when I was invited to do another temporary job at the same place. By this time I had managed to find out a bit more about autism, which gave me a determination (Just before the job I took) to ask a doctor if I had adpergers syndrome and I found myself on the list to be assessed) and so I started working again. I was not quite sure I was ready but I needed to keep a car on the road as if no car, it is a few miles walk to a bus stop, and my Mums of pension age and finds she can't walk back up the hill any more, so basically I was trapped. Risk another burnout and have use of a car or don't take the job and loose the car. (I was also slowly selling my model railway collection which is still larger then average as it is my main special interest. I will always keep a bit back as I can't really live without some trains! I think in trains so you get the idea!) 

    But though I then found out what these shutdowns were, and I was trying to work through strings of partial shutdowns and somehow complete the work that was required of me and I was constantly fighting off full shutdowns... So by the time the job had ended (A couple of months to cover the peak time in the summer) I had hit some major burnout and for a few weeks I was struggling to walk etc. I actually found out that there was an open day with the autism team in my area the very day after I finished work. I was in such a mess and did not really know for sure that it was shutdoens I was experiencing. I drove down, parked the car and managed to find the place which included a walk when I really wasn't up to walking, but I did it. 

    When they saw me they could tell I was in a mess, and the one guy turned to the lady who was the psycologist and said "He needs to be assessed urgently" though they said they doubted that they were allowed to queue jump (I have recovered a bit since then so I am managing). Well. I am half way down their list so is only about a year left to aait or less... Though I suspect this virus has delayed things?) 

    But what I am saying. As I was able to open out for the first time in my life to a medical professional (The autism people) which I had not expected to be able to do... But when I found out that the man actually knew exactly what I was describing and not only believed me but was able to almost confirm that I was describing  shutdown.... And I then opened up. It all just came out! I was a little embarissed as I had said how most of the time I had no income and was selling trains to help keep the car on the road... Well. They helped me get a note to my doctor (Who I still have not been able to say much to her as I tend to clam up a bit with doctors and others) and she was happy to sign me off sick until I am assessed, and though I needed help to do that as it is all online, once I did it the benefits office staff have been excellent. So both my current doctors, the autism team and the benefits office staff have been absolutely fantastic! 

    But going back to the point. I have only been out two or three shortish trips on the bicycles in the past few years. 

    And I have not cycled at all since last summer. I am just coming round to start some short trips to get back into it now when the lockdown started. So I have had no access to exercize as I find I can't jog or run. Only cycle. Ten minutes is not enough time as whicever direction I head out is dosn hill, and it takes me at least half an hour to come back up, so I can't cycle. I also can't get work down on the car as I would have to cycle back which is about an hour and a half ride in one direction, so it is way over the ten minutes allowed... So I am going easy in the car at the moment. The brakes work fine so at least it's safe! 

    So exercise is my main concern as I have hardly had any in two years now, and my leg muscles are half the size they were only a few years ago as I had very strong cycling legs. 

    Ah well. Maybe in about six months to a years time... I have put on quite a bit of weight since I stopped cycling! Oops!

  • I am usually ok, but now and then I get panicky. Is more of an inward panic. 

    It is 0453 and I am still awake. I was going to go to sleep at about half an hour ago (Well. My internal time clock is out as my nephew is awake chatting to friends on the internet until 0500am (He is not in school and hast to live here at the moment))... And my lady friend was chatting to me via the internet... And I have heartburn! Well. My Mum had baked some biscuit things as we are not going out much for food (A bit stressful to be honest)...

    But anyway... I am coping, but I am normally semi active sort of person as in the past I was cycling fairly often, but since the last three burnouts. Well. I got right after the one ans got back on the bike. When I was ok with a short spin of about 5 to 6 miles involving a steep hill to get home, I then took another part time short term job as I had no income (After burnout I was not feeling like going through the stress of looking for work, so I didn't sign on. Back then I didn't know it was called burnout or what the shutdowns were (I just was never able to explain them to doctors in says that they understood), so I was taking long rests without an income, and when working, I was only doing about 12 to 16 hours a week spread over about three or four days a week. 

    I then had burnout towards the end of the job (Temporary work) and took a rest with no income again. (When working over half my pay went in travelling costs as I was on minimum wage and payin emergency tax (Which they did send back and I am very greatful for). So eventually I was just back able to cycle again, and another temporary job came up, and so the process repeated again. Then it happened a third time. I hadn't really got back on the bike when I was invited to do another temporary job at the same place. By this time I had managed to find out a bit more about autism, which gave me a determination (Just before the job I took) to ask a doctor if I had adpergers syndrome and I found myself on the list to be assessed) and so I started working again. I was not quite sure I was ready but I needed to keep a car on the road as if no car, it is a few miles walk to a bus stop, and my Mums of pension age and finds she can't walk back up the hill any more, so basically I was trapped. Risk another burnout and have use of a car or don't take the job and loose the car. (I was also slowly selling my model railway collection which is still larger then average as it is my main special interest. I will always keep a bit back as I can't really live without some trains! I think in trains so you get the idea!) 

    But though I then found out what these shutdowns were, and I was trying to work through strings of partial shutdowns and somehow complete the work that was required of me and I was constantly fighting off full shutdowns... So by the time the job had ended (A couple of months to cover the peak time in the summer) I had hit some major burnout and for a few weeks I was struggling to walk etc. I actually found out that there was an open day with the autism team in my area the very day after I finished work. I was in such a mess and did not really know for sure that it was shutdoens I was experiencing. I drove down, parked the car and managed to find the place which included a walk when I really wasn't up to walking, but I did it. 

    When they saw me they could tell I was in a mess, and the one guy turned to the lady who was the psycologist and said "He needs to be assessed urgently" though they said they doubted that they were allowed to queue jump (I have recovered a bit since then so I am managing). Well. I am half way down their list so is only about a year left to aait or less... Though I suspect this virus has delayed things?) 

    But what I am saying. As I was able to open out for the first time in my life to a medical professional (The autism people) which I had not expected to be able to do... But when I found out that the man actually knew exactly what I was describing and not only believed me but was able to almost confirm that I was describing  shutdown.... And I then opened up. It all just came out! I was a little embarissed as I had said how most of the time I had no income and was selling trains to help keep the car on the road... Well. They helped me get a note to my doctor (Who I still have not been able to say much to her as I tend to clam up a bit with doctors and others) and she was happy to sign me off sick until I am assessed, and though I needed help to do that as it is all online, once I did it the benefits office staff have been excellent. So both my current doctors, the autism team and the benefits office staff have been absolutely fantastic! 

    But going back to the point. I have only been out two or three shortish trips on the bicycles in the past few years. 

    And I have not cycled at all since last summer. I am just coming round to start some short trips to get back into it now when the lockdown started. So I have had no access to exercize as I find I can't jog or run. Only cycle. Ten minutes is not enough time as whicever direction I head out is dosn hill, and it takes me at least half an hour to come back up, so I can't cycle. I also can't get work down on the car as I would have to cycle back which is about an hour and a half ride in one direction, so it is way over the ten minutes allowed... So I am going easy in the car at the moment. The brakes work fine so at least it's safe! 

    So exercise is my main concern as I have hardly had any in two years now, and my leg muscles are half the size they were only a few years ago as I had very strong cycling legs. 

    Ah well. Maybe in about six months to a years time... I have put on quite a bit of weight since I stopped cycling! Oops!

  • Hello,

    sorry to read about your problems and as a cyclist I do understand your need to get out but have you thought about a indoor turbo trainer or a set of rollers? Maybe worth asking around with your local cycle club as members often have kit to sell or donate even. I managed to buy a turbo cheap from my local bike shop and so can train indoors and keep active. Being able to cycle even on the rollers helps me deal with my own issues and calms me. I hope you can find a solution that works for you.