Coding as a career?


So I have tried Scratch, abit, on my raspberry pi and liked it.  Took a lot of concentration but was wondering with the rise of AI, if it was worth pursuing as a career.

I tried a legal career and couldn’t even get my foot in the door.  So taking later risk of upgrading my computer to do this is, worrying. 

Anyone got any advice?

  • I was good at coding in school/uni. But I couldn't get a job after graduation in that field and lost all interest. (seeing source-code now frightens me)

    The problem was me; not doing anything extracurricular. I just studied the notes and expected success. Plus, others misled me back then, and still can.

  • I was good at coding in school/uni. But I couldn't get a job after graduation in that field and lost all interest. (seeing source-code now frightens me)

    The problem was me; not doing anything extracurricular. I just studied the notes and expected success. Plus, others misled me back then, and still can.

  • This is a similar story for me and two of my friends. All of us graduated with technical degrees (engineering and computer science) but have struggled to find employment in these fields. We excelled academically but the sad reality is that it is a very competitive job market and employers tend to favour social skills and extracurricular over technical skills nowadays. What's worse is that people from my class who failed to understand basic concepts easily got into engineering roles because of their ability to talk the talk. A very sad reality of the current climate that the job market is not catered for great minds with some social difficulties